Friday, August 12, 2022

I give 'em six months - on the outside - six. Max...

A 26-year-old lesbian who had only ever been with women has gone straight after falling for her male colleague - 30 years her senior. Aliyah Coleman, of Cibolo, Texas, first felt sparks fly with Kenneth Coleman, 56, when she started a new job as a secondary school teacher in September 2020. The pair got engaged in October 2021 (right), and then eloped nine months later, getting married alone with no family or friends present in the Canyonland National Park, Moab, Utah. 'Aliyah said, 'My family and friends weren't shocked by the age gap, they were shocked by the gender.'




  1. MUST HAVE BEEN the old muffin greaser? Smooth move you old FART. If you cant beat'em LICK'EM !

  2. Best of luck to them. I hope that she doesn't keep changing teams too often. It's not like he doesn't have some forewarning. Hope he has an iron-clad pre-nup.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...