Friday, August 12, 2022

It's arrogant to think we can change the climate in any meaningful way...

 We tend to be quite myopic about our view of the world. The world - and our solar system and galaxy - is so much bigger than we can grasp... 

We are so small - so minuscule in the scope of things - that we make ourselves out to be important as an act of self-defense. 
Face it, we're not that important. Here's some perspective:
So the idea that me driving my gas-guzzler 15mpg F-150 is somehow going to effect what this living planet wants to do to/for itself is ridiculous. Get over yourselves you meaningless, pip-squeak fuckwads...


On July 30, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted out a picture of a new license plate that would be sold in the state. The license plate prominently featured the Gadsden Flag and reads ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ in yellow letters at the bottom. DeSantis wrote that the license plate would send a clear message to ‘out-of-state cars’ and that the proceeds would benefit the Florida Veterans Foundation.



Just in case you had somehow stopped thinking that California - the true land of fruits and nuts - wasn't still batshit crazy, 
may I present this bold new initiative...

The California state senate and house this week passed Senate Bill 57, which would permit drug users to safely inject or smoke drugs while at supervised facilities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland. Senate Republicans all voted “no” on the bill. State senate Republican leader Scott Wilk said the bill was “one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation that I’ve seen sent to the governor.” S.B. 57 now heads to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk.
If the bill becomes law, the three cities would be able to maintain safe-injection sites until 2028. Drug users could inject themselves with drugs they bring to the sites. The sites would be staffed by employees trained to monitor drug users and would offer sanitized supplies; staff would make referrals to substance-abuse treatment programs. Those enrolled in the safe-injection-site program would get immunity from professional discipline, civil liability, and current criminal laws because of good-faith behavior and compliance with the program. However, users would not be allowed to exchange illegal drugs with other users at the sites.


Let's not kid ourselves about this blog thing. I'm not here to give you any answers. That's your job. I'm here first and foremost because I get bored easily and I have no one close by (with the exception of my beautiful and brilliant wife) to bounce this kinda shit off on.
 All I can do is point out what's brilliant, wonderful, funny, silly, strange, noteworthy, obvious and obviously stupid - to me - and hope you get some kinda cheap thrill out of it. We good with that premise? Good...

Public art can take many different forms and have many different messages. Some of it can be frivolous, and some can be truly meaningful and poignant. This installment is called 'Shoes on the Danube Promenade'. 
During WWII, Jews In Budapest were brought to the edge of the Danube, ordered to remove their shoes and shot, falling into the water below. 60 pairs of iron shoes now line the river's bank, a ghostly memorial to the victims  by Can Togay and Gyula Pauer.



A metaphor for the Biden Presidency:

Need to find a nice gift for a special someone?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 

This is the 'Gapstow Bridge' in Central Park. Another one 
of my favorite places to get lost in...

An off-duty Virginia police officer who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, with a fellow officer was sentenced Thursday to more than seven years in prison, matching the longest prison sentence so far among hundreds of Capitol riot cases.
Former Rocky Mount Police Sgt. Thomas Robertson declined to address the court before U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper sentenced him to seven years and three months in prison. Cooper also sentenced Robertson to three years of supervised release after his prison term.

It's impossible to believe that that ad is 80 years old.


Believe it  or not, this is a painting. I wish I had 1/1,000th of that artist's talent.


And we wonder why we don't live as long 
as the women in our lives...

This fake beaner actually thinks he knows 'how to stop mass shootings' - he just hasn't said how he'd do it. Other than that, WTF else does he have to say? (Asking for a friend)






  1. Only in California will they ban single use plastics BUT give out single use syringes in plastic wrappers to drug users

  2. 300 million earths in our galaxy and there are more galaxies that I can count. In that one small patch of "dark to the naked eye" space that is the Hubble Ultra deep photo there are 10,000 galaxies.

  3. Austin, TEXAS
    Governor Greg Abbott, in effort to pander to Hispanic voters, has changed his name to Patrick De La Sanchez


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...