Sunday, March 31, 2024

Even on Easter we're happy to bring you another really sexy HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly.

Name this cute-as-a-bunny Dame...

Last night's Dame was Patricia Morrison...

Time for a sucker-punch contest with this guy...

Maybe if you glued his balls to his asshole, he'd stop this stupid shit. 
The story - with a little video - is here.


Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She'd probably love to have these...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!

Here's some Easter Sunday day-drinking goodness from the Playboy archives...


The Easter Bunny didn't always lay eggs...

The reality is, virtually nothing we do to
 celebrate Easter has anything to do with
what the day is supposed to be about...

Calvin has a Monopoly of sorts...


Thoughts on the holiday...

Coupla really quick, simple questions here. 
First, WTF do rabbits have to do with Easter? 
Also WTF do hard-boiled eggs have to do with Easter? 
Finally, are we to understand that the bunny lays the eggs and then gives them away for some reason? 
That has never been successfully explained. I ask in the public interest...





Celebrationg Easter with Uncle Joe and his ilk...

I can't add anything to this. These people don't give a shit who they piss off, and will suck up to any group that's outside the mainstream. 
Joe claims to be a devout Catholic and then does something incredibly stupid like this? Yeah - re-elect him. the world is watching...

Wow - that is for real. The former Bruce thinks like I do. Holy shit.



The Post reported this morning that our little Mary cousins to the north in Niagara Falls, Canada, have declared a state of emergency ahead of the April 8 total eclipse as 1 million people are expected to flood the area. The Ontario side of the falls has started to prepare for the expected influx in visitors coming to see the total social eclipse in early April.
The city is within the path where the moon will entirely block the sun for a few minutes. Mayor Jim Diodati estimated the city would see the most visitors in a single day on April 8 with an estimated 1 million expected. On average, the city see 14 million visit per year. The state of emergency, which was announced Thursday, will allow the city to execute additional planning to help prepare for traffic jams, cell phone network overloads, and a higher need for emergency services, and more.


What a great move on the part of the Trump campaign. They've come up with this website where you can compare prices then and now side by side, and the prices appear to be fairly legit. Check this out - they really did a cool job on this site - 




Maybe the simplest and single-best argument I've heard 
in defense of the Second Amendment.

I had no idea there was an actual clinical name for this 'condition'
I suffer from. And I always thought it was slightly irrational. 
Until the other day. Go figure...

Click on their logo to see the story.



Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $ 35.00 and that includes free shipping!

As my grandfather Angelo usta say - 'Hoppa East...'

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Every night we're happy to bring you another really sexy HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly.

Her name is Kait Parker - she's a TV Weathercaster

Name this Dame - if you can...

Last night's Dame was Sue Ann Langdon...

Totally useless information is called 'insignifica. By me...

 But I'm not full of shit, am I?

Here's some Good Saturday goodness from the Playboy archives...

Saturday solar eclipse fake viewing glasses significa...

Ya can't make this shit up. If there's a buck to be made selling knock-off friggin' anythings, somebodies gonna jump on that money wagon. Read the rest of their article if you need assurance - or if you actually give a fuck.

Gotta be in color today...

I never thought there'd be such a thing as an Iranian rapper. Evidently, the Moolahs don't like them too much, so they kill them?

I guess those turban-wearin' 'Holy Men' don't like to brook any kinda bullshit. In 2022, Iran had a 22-year-old woman murdered for improperly wearing a hijab. Now, it’s preparing to have a 33-year-old killed just for rapping about it.
It’s only more evidence of the lengths to which Tehran’s mullahs will go to oppress dissidents and maintain iron-fisted control over the country — and, indeed, over every aspect of Iranian life. 
On Oct. 30, 2022, Iran’s goons arrested Toomaj Salehi, a 33-year old Iranian hip-hop artist, and detained him in its notorious Isfahan prison. His crime: committing music. His lyrics, roughly translated: “Someone’s crime was that her hair was flowing in the wind. Someone’s crime was that he or she was brave and [was] outspoken.” 
So - I guess ya gotta ask yourself - WTF is so holy about that shit? The fuckin' guy sings a song and they're gonna kill him for it. I wonder how Salman Rushdie feels about this...
I gotta admit - the idea of rapping in Urdo or whatever the fuck language they speak is a bit foreign to me, but it actually does sorta sound like rap music - he just never uses the big 'N' and there ain't a 'fuck' to be heard - at least not that I know of...
 Here's his Instagram page: 

Reason number 57 why New Jersey sucks...

 I hate to talk ill of my birthplace, but if it didn't suck 
I'd still be living there and wouldn't have a palm tree 
in each of front and back yards...  
New Jersey, a state that enjoys roughly 130 miles of shorline, is just about the only state in the whole country that charges you to go on the beach. 
Actually, it's not the state that does it, it's the local municipalities that do. Atlantic City and the Wildwoods beaches are free, but in other towns along the coast, a seasonal/resident badge can go for as much as $ 115.00 and a day-tripper badge for out-of-towners (we usta call 'em 'Bennies) can cost as much as $ 12.00. What a rip.





What are you listening to?
The Who.
You're listening to Yes?
No, The Who.
Oh - I like them.
No not Them. The band is The Who.
The Band?
Don't start that again...


There is one good thing that Jersey has that I really do miss like 
nobody's business. A good, crusty hard roll with sweet butter. 
The bread here in Florida is baked for people with no teeth.

Say what you will about the Brits, but those people do know how to throw crazy-kinda parties. If you think back, the 'Mods' were popular well before hippies and skinheads and were at their height some time around when Beatlemania exploded. Even though the fad didn't last that long, it musta been fun to be around back then. There's a cool article that companies this headline here.

The smirk on his face says it all...

Remember when you used to tease and beat the crap out of the science nerds back in High School? Yeah, well guess what. They all grew up to do cool, crazy shit like this and I betcha they make a shitload of quan doing it. Read this article - it has a short video in it that likda explains why it might actuall be pretty cool to be a geek these days.

Maybe that's problem.
Nobody drinks Rheingold anymore.

Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $ 48.00 and that includes free shipping!

 Can  you imagine what it must feel like to some 
towel-headed Afghan mujahadeen when he sees one 
of these nasty-ass motherfuckers heading directly 
towards his cave? That is one seriously
bad-ass fighting machine.



Conch fritters at Snappers in KeyLargo...