Tuesday, May 31, 2022
What the pols don't get about guns could fill two books. Especially in Canada.
after critics claim the majority of illegal weapons in the country are smuggled from the US (right). The PM announced the change after 19 children and two teachers were killed in a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last week. Critics claim his new ban will do nothing to further protect citizens as the guns 'are already illegal' and didn't tackle the 'root cause,' which is gun smuggling. 'Today's announcement fails to focus on the root cause of gun violence in our cities: Illegal guns smuggled into Canada by criminal gangs,' a critic snapped. Toronto Police reported in 2020 that 85 percent of guns confiscated could be traced back the US and Border Patrol also confiscated hundreds of guns a year.
What they fail to understand is that almost all of the guns (over 80% statistically) used in crimes are illegally obtained.
In Chicago, that number is 95%.
There are few cases of a duly licensed gun-owner committing a crime with his own gun - aside of course from killing his or her spouse, or themselves, which may or may not be an actual crime depending on where you live (and with whom).
If there had been just one teacher in that school that had been strapped and knew how to use it as most of us do, the whole situation would obviously have ended differently. Why don't they understand this?
The full article is here:
Forget the Frisbee, Jack. I have another one in the car. Jack - Jack?
LARGO, Fla. – A man died searching for Frisbees in a lake at a suburban disc golf course in Largo, where people are warned by signs to beware of alligators, police said. The Largo Police Department said in an email Tuesday that the unidentified man was looking for discs in the water when he died and “a gator was involved.”
Police said gator trappers were called to Taylor Lake, a part of the 153-acre John S. Taylor Park in Largo, a suburb of St. Petersburg. The park’s website notes that patrons can “discover the sport of disc golf on a course set in the natural beauty of this park.” The course is set along the lake, which has no-swimming signs posted along it. Police are telling people to avoid the lake while the investigation continues. No other details have been released.
Here's another good one if yo have the time:
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Shut up Gabe - we don't care what you think...
The Giants manager boycotted the national anthem after recent mass shootings. He is somewhat of a rarity in baseball, a sport not noted for its 'progressive values', thankfully.
Born in Hollywood - a fact that explains a lot about this whackjob - the tattooed son of a piano teacher, Kapler loves Scotch and steak and wears a broken watch for god knows what reason. In 2014 he wrote a post on his lifestyle site extolling coconut oil as a moisturizer, mouthwash and masturbatory aid.
A 'diversity advocate' who hired MLB’s first female coach, Kapler has an image of Martin Luther King on his Twitter feed and posts as often about social justice as about balls and strikes.
“I’m often struck before our games by the lack of delivery of the promise of what our national anthem represents,” he wrote. “Every time I place my hand over my heart and remove my hat, I’m participating in a self-congratulatory glorification of the ONLY country where these mass shootings take place.” (PS, Gabe - you might want to check your facts on that before you start to spout)
Also, I'll bet the ranch he doesn't even know the back story of the anthem he loves to hate. The lyrics come from the "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written on September 14, 1814, by 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812.
Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, with 15 stars and 15 stripes, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory.
Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, with 15 stars and 15 stripes, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory.
The lib Manager of the Giants added: “I am not OK with the state of this country - when you’re dissatisfied with your country, you let it be known through protest.
Like I said - as if we give a fuck, Gabe. Shut up and play ball,
but either way, just shut up.
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Now we know what 'A toddling town' means. It's means you're gonna get shot.
What Chicago needs is a 1,000 more cops and a Mayor who's not a political hack.
Good luck with both of those...
Forty-six people were shot, ten of them fatally, during Memorial Day weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago. At least 21 people were shot Friday into Sunday morning alone on Memorial Weekend, and four of those shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.
ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times reports the number of shooting victims rose to 46 by Monday evening, with six of those victims dying from their injuries.
Among the shooting deaths Sunday and Monday was 33-year-old Jeremy Benson, who was fatally shot while driving. He was driving “in the 4400-block of West Madison Street” and he crashed after being shot. A 24-year-old man was also shot and killed early Sunday while attending a birthday party “in the 5700-block of South Carpenter Street.”
The 46 Memorial Day weekend shooting victims in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago represent a increase over the number of shooting victims during the same weekend in 2021.
Content courtesy of https://www.breitbart.com
And then only the bad guys will have guns. Okay, Justin...
Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said. His government is proposing a new law that would freeze private ownership of all short-barrelled firearms.
The legislation would not ban the ownership of handguns outright - but would make it illegal to buy them - whatever the fuck that means...
Mr Trudeau's proposal comes days after a shooting at a Texas primary school, in the neighboring US, killed 21 people. That shooting did not feature hand guns in any way, but that does not matter to people like him.
The bill, which was presented to Canada's parliament on Monday (which is not a Holiday in Canada, makes it impossible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in the country.
"Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives," Mr Trudeau told reporters.
What part of the words 'self defense' does he not understand?
Here's the thing. Concealed Carry is legal here in Florida. I carry. In fact, I went to a barbecue/party yesterday that I knew would include quite a few people I don't know personally, so I strapped. Why did I bother? Better safe than sorry. Just look at the story from the other day where the woman shot and killed a guy who tried to attack an outdoor party.
Here's my post about it if you missed it:
You normally don't see them this strong in May...
Must be global warming - or the moon phase - or voodoo - something - for these bastards to form this early.
Doesn't bode well for the rest of the storm season.
And it's heading towards Florida maybe...
Authorities in Mexico worked overnight into Tuesday to clear highways blocked by mudslides and flooding (left, bottom right) along the southern coast as Hurricane Agatha barrelled down on the country, bringing record-breaking 150mph winds and torrential rains (top right). Hurricane Agatha made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane on Monday afternoon, touching down with the strong winds on a sparsely populated beach towns and fishing villages in the Oaxaca state on the Pacific coast (inset: fishermen move their boats to higher ground). The hurricane quickly lost power as it moved inland over the mountainous interior - and by Monday evening, it weakened to a tropical storm, with its sustained winds down to 70mph. Agatha is expected to dissipate further by Tuesday evening, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC), which maintained a warning of life-threatening flash floods and mudslides in Oaxaca state. Agatha, the strongest hurricane on record to make landfall in May in the eastern Pacific, swept ashore and brought howling winds and downpours that whipped palm trees and drove tourists and residents into shelters. Rain caused mud and rocks to slide into two highways in Oaxaca, blocking access to at least one area of the state, local authorities said. Mexico's transportation ministry was working to clear the roads late on Monday evening. Some towns in Oaxaca were left without electricity, and one transformer exploded, authorities said. Telephone lines were knocked out on Monday, forcing authorities to communicate by radio.
Full story is here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10870419/Mexico-scrambles-clear-mudslides-Hurricane-Agatha-slammed-land-105mph.html
Stay out of the retention ponds here in Florida...
A diver who jumped into an alligator-infested pond in a desperate attempt to find a missing family was covered by a crack squad of snipers who were ready to shoot the reptiles should they attack.
Nieves Matos, 80, was driving along a Florida road in the US with her adult son Mario Laza, 56, when she lost control of the blue Toyota minivan and veered into a pond at the side of the road.
The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) told local media an adult male and adult female were rescued from inside of the vehicle. Spokesperson Lieutenant Alex Camacho said: “The vehicle lost control, overturned, driving off of the roadway into the pond. “Dive teams from fire rescue and Miami-Dade Police did their search and rescue, and were able to rescue an adult female and adult male inside of the vehicle at the time.”
After the crash, members of the public jumped in the dicey and murky water to try and find the missing pair. Florida cops and specialist divers followed them in once they arrived.
The police department realized the pond was packed with vicious alligators so set up snipers to take the reptiles out should they strike. Ms Matos was found, pulled from the pond, given emergency CPR, and survived the horror ordeal.
Her son was retrieved from the water and rushed to hospital where he died.
The mother remains hospitalized but stable.
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What if Joe doesn't run for a second term?
The choices to replace him are pretty slim right now. If this is the best they can come up with, this'll be a whole different game in '24...
Imagine the lies that will have to be spread to diminish
her opponent and up-sell her 'accomplishments'.
The president’s allies (all three of them) say he is still the only one who can defeat a challenger like former President Trump or Gov. Ron DeSantis, of Florida. But there are doubts he will follow through on his plans because of his age - Biden would be 81 in November 2024 - and the fact that he's nearly comatose, showing little or no sign of true brain function.
Biden’s approval ratings have sunk to the mid-30s in some polls. If Biden chooses not to run for reelection, who else would be in contention?
Harris tops the list, as she would instantly be the leading contender to win the Democratic nomination for president if Biden decided to end his political career with one term.
But Harris is not a sure bet to win the nomination. She has been smacked around by a shitload of negative headlines since she was propped up in the role of vice president and her poll numbers have been for shit. Combine that with the fact that she's a blithering idiot who can't answer a question without giggling, and her chances are just about nil.
A Los Angeles Times (not exactly a bastion of conservative truisms) analysis of national polls this month showed Harris underwater with a 40 percent approval rating. “She has 'fallen short of expectations',” said one Democratic strategist, very tongue-in-cheek.
Would they seriously consider running Pete Buttigieg for President against anyone from the republican side?
The former mayor of South Bend, Ind., a virtual stranger to Democrats, managed to win the Iowa caucuses, defeating a field of better-known candidates. He then came close to winning the New Hampshire primary.
Buttigieg, an openly gay, 'married' man with adopted kids, has continued to make a name for himself, and not for good reason. Pretty much all he does is tour the country to tout Biden’s infrastructure projects and visiting key swing states including Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Ohio.
Democratic strategists say he would be well positioned for a 2024 run, but they also thought that back in 2020, and they ended up with Uncle Joe, ferfucksake. Still, even as a feckless and totally disfunctional Cabinet secretary, some still wonder if he has political chops to make the leap to the Oval Office.
If you were cool enough - and lucky enough - to get her to go to the diner with you for a coke and a snack after the dance, the choices you made on this machine might have been life and death decisions for you. If you're too young to know what one of these was - and how valuable it was when you ere dating, you missed something big...
friggin' bomb shelter your old man dug in the back yard?
that I have been a supporter of LGBT rights and issues my entire adult life.
back yard yesterday, Those are some seriously big-ass,
prehistoric-looking bids...
So, the only ones left on the top of the Dems list to run (at least for now) are Elizabeth Warren, who's already said she has no interest in running, Crazy old Bernie, who's also said he won't but that doesn't mean shit coming from him, and maybe Amy Klobuchar, who really has no dog in the fight, but then again, who knows with these idiots?
People who drink coffee every day are less likely to die early
than non-coffee drinkers, research suggests
Researchers looked at data on coffee habits and health from more than 171,000 residents of the UK, who didn't have cancer or heart disease at the start of the study, over a period of seven years.
Previously, evidence has suggested coffee drinkers live longer — the researchers in China aimed to test whether that was true even when people add sugar to their daily brew.
They found that people who regularly drank unsweetened coffee were 16-21% less likely to die during the study than their peers who didn't drink coffee.
And study participants who drank between one and four cups of lightly sweetened coffee per day were 29-31% less likely to die during the study, according to the data.
The findings are supported by previous evidence that coffee is generally beneficial for longevity, no matter how you drink it. I prefer mine with a little Sambuca in it - how about you?
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