Thursday, June 30, 2022

One and done from Dean...


Looking for something a little 'different' to do next New Years Eve? Here's a thought (if you can handle it)...


Hey - you have to plan far ahead for exciting weird stuff like this!
Looking for a unique, warm-weather way to ring in the New Year?  Join thousands of revelers in celebrating the arrival of the new year with Key West’s annual New Year’s Eve “Red Shoe Drop,” also called the “Drag Queen Drop.”
The event is a warm-weather takeoff on New York City’s Times Square “ball drop,” and famed drag queen Sushi is almost always the star of the show.
She will perch in a super-sized red high-heel shoe suspended high above the spectators below while wearing one of her dazzling yearly outfits.
Sushi, AKA Gary Marion, is renowned for his/her stunning one-of-a-kind gowns stating, “I design all of my New Year’s costumes from scratch, but I also have a large collection of rare vintage and collectible pieces from many eras and cultures that I’m always referencing for inspiration.”
As midnight approaches, Sushi is lowered from the balcony of the venue as he/she has for more than twenty years, to a festive street-side stage as merrymakers gather to view the event, cheer and applaud.
Headquartered at the Bourbon St. Pub/New Orleans House complex at 724 Duval St., the evening’s other scheduled attractions include vocal performances by local talent and guest stars including international recording artist Debby Holiday.
The annual Red Shoe Drop is slated for the midnight on December 31st with the first performance starting at 9 p.m. Street viewing of the festivities is free, while VIP tickets for viewing from the New Orleans House balcony can be purchased beginning December 1st at their website

To be honest, this ain't my kinda gig, but who knows - maybe one of you guys might dig it...



The guy looked 'udder-ly' confused when he was arrested, police said...

 Florida man in cow pajamas among six people 
arrested during drug bust... 

Richard Anthony Bonnel was among six people arrested for drug and ammunition-related offenses at a Okeechobee home in Florida on June 17, 2022.

Authorities in Florida arrested a group of individuals for drug and ammunition charges earlier this week, including one man who was found in cow pajamas, officials said.
Richard Anthony Bonnell was wearing one-piece black-and-white-spotted cow pajamas, with pink cuffs, a pink hat and a pink collar when Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested him and five other individuals on Friday.
The arrests came as Narcotics Task Force and our Special Response Team members were executing a narcotics warrant at the Okeechobee home.
I get the impression he won't be unfamiliar with lockup.
"If you want to deal drugs in Okeechobee County, you may want to consider MOOOOOO-ving," the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office said following the incident. The officers said methamphetamine, ammunition, and drug paraphernalia were found during the search, prompting the arrests.



If you're gonna make a threat, try to make it realistic at least...

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – Officers accused a 42-year-old man of using a pay phone on Monday at Miami International Airport to call 911 and say, “Declare nuclear threat to Miami International Airport. Thank you.”
Robert Santiago made the call shortly before 7:40 p.m. in the area of Terminal J and it prompted a sweep for suspicious devices, according to the arrest report. Detectives determined there wasn’t a threat.
Santiago, who is unemployed and homeless, was at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on Tuesday afternoon, according to Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department records.
Officers arrested Santiago at about 9:10 p.m. and questioned him. He told officers the Salvation Army, at 1907 NW 38 St., had been helping him. Corrections officers booked him shortly after midnight.
Santiago was facing a charge of making a false report or bomb threat against the government or publicly owned property.

Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


Joe mumbles and flubs, and we can't laugh any more...

 People used to get pissed at Trump for 
the way he talks. What about this guy?









Your daily Doug...



"And while the entire staff here at the hospital applauds you
efforts to turn inconvenience and adversity into profit, Miss LaRue,
I really don't think your bill will be as much as you fear" 

Remember to tell your grandkids about this buffoon we have as a President. The history books probably won't...

People overseas used to say that DJT was a 'national embarrassment' when he spoke. I wonder what they think of this mumbling, bumbling jughead...
President Joe Biden caught himself in the act of an embarrassing gaffe during a press conference on Thursday, mistakenly saying neutral Switzerland was joining NATO - rather than Sweden. He quickly recovered, joking that he must be getting anxious about the process of expanding the alliance.
Biden delivered his remarks at the end of a NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, where the big news was Turkey dropping its objection to Sweden and Finland joining the alliance.
Yes he is. He most certainly is...


It's lunch time. You know what that means, right?


Cheney's gonna be looking for a new job soon...

 I'm sure her father - and the people of Wyoming - aren't exactly proud of what this jackass is doing... 

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said late Wednesday that former President Trump poses a “domestic threat” that the nation has “never faced before.”
“At this moment, we are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before. And that is a former president who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our Constitutional Republic,” Cheney said during an address at the Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.
“And he is aided by Republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.” Cheney said that some in the GOP are “embracing” Trump and “enabling his lies.”
“Many others are urging that we not confront Donald Trump, that we look away. And that is certainly the easier path,” she added.
Cheney, one of the ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol, is one of two GOP members of the House select committee that is investigating the rioting. 
The other GOP'er is Adam Kinziger, another piece of shit RINO who'll be unemployed soon. But not soon enough...

Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


A really kinda good bad guy is gone...

Hells Angels founder Sonny Barger has died at the age of 83 after battling cancer. The biker, from California, passed away peacefully surrounded by his wife, Zorana, and relatives on June 29.
A statement on his Facebook page read: “If you are reading this message, you’ll know that I’m gone. I’ve asked that this note be posted immediately after my passing. “I’ve lived a long and good life filled with adventure. And I’ve had the privilege to be part of an amazing club.” 
He told fans to “stay loyal, remain free, and always value honor.”
Barger was best known for launching the Oakland Hells Angels and is often credited for building the gang into an international organization, the Mercury News revealed. The group marked its 65th anniversary in April.
Barger revealed in his autobiography that he was inspired by the 1953 crime movie “The Wild One,” which starred Marlon Brando. In 1972, he and three others were acquitted of murdering a Texas drug dealer and setting a home on fire.
There's a good article on his life and times here:

Yes - they have a chapter in No. Ireland. This 
is a couple miles from my brother TJ's house...


I doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says. Not there, anyway...

 New Jersey is so ass-backwards on almost every issue. No wonder people are moving out by the tens of thousands every month... 

New Jersey is on the verge of further tightening its already strict gun laws as the state Legislature passed a package of bills Wednesday to increase firearm regulations and Gov. Phil Murphy vowed immediately to sign them, ending a long stalemate on the issue.
Under the seven proposals - many of which Murphy (who has an entire team of armed guards at his disposal) has sought for more than a year - New Jersey would mandate people receive firearm training to obtain a gun permit, ban .50 caliber rifles, require micro-stamping technology, stipulate new residents moving from other states register firearms, regulate handgun ammunition, crack down on ghost guns, and make it easier to sue gun manufacturers and dealers over gun crimes in the state.
So, if I read this correctly, you can sue the gun manufacturers until they go broke and go out of business. When they do, where will your 'armed' guards get their arms from genius?



I can give you at least five good reasons why we didn't grow up to be 
the over-mothered sissified pussies so many people are today... 

Because we know what was funny and what wasn't...


So - when they form a union, they can go on strike and put 
their bosses out of business. Is that how it works?

Perspective my friends. It's very important.
The small black dot in the upper left corner is the planet Mercury 
passing in front of the sun. Seems kinda small doesn't it? That's not the only perspective here. In this picture, the sun is 36 million miles behind Mercury.

The phenomenon that Fauci experienced -  known as COVID-19 rebound - has been acknowledged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In May, the CDC issued an advisory on the potential recurrence of symptoms and possibly a “new positive viral test after having tested negative” within two to eight days of finishing a five-day course of Paxlovid.
The agency noted, however, that the resurgence of symptoms “may be part of the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 infection in some persons, independent of treatment with Paxlovid and regardless of vaccination status.”
The CDC added that Paxlovid is still believed to be an effective treatment in the early stages of COVID-19 infection among those at higher risk for severe illness. Still, the agency has not found evidence that a second round of Paxlovid - like the one Fauci is taking - is necessary among those suffering from “COVID-19 rebound.”


A year ago today and I was bitching then 
about the price hikes. Go figure, huh?


This story is so fucked up on so many levels. Freeman never wanted to leave the Braves, but he felt the team was giving them the finger by not making a counter-offer to what the Dodgers offered him, so he got pissed at Atlanta and went to the Dodgers because that's where the money was. Or so he thought.
Turns out his scumbag agent never told him that the Braves had offered him more money than the Dodgers did and he could have finished his career on the team he loved playing for.
Now his contract is forcing him to stay in LA, where he's so pissed off he fired his agent and now no one on the team will talk to him because it turns out he really didn't want to play for LA at all - he just went there because he thought they were the only team that wanted him.
What a tangled web we weave some times, huh Bubba?

Can you believe they may be asking Benjamin Netanyahu to come as Prime Minister again? I know he loves Israel, but I'd probably tell them to stuff it...
Did you know he was actually born in Philadelphia? That's what I've been told.

What was the first record you bought with your own money?
 This is what I bought. 
At Klein's Department Store in downtown Newark, NJ. 

If I was one of the other Justices, I'd hide a plastic uterus in her top desk drawer. Probably scare the fuck out of her 'cause she wouldn't know what it is. Juss' sayin'.


I've had this sitting in the wrong folder in the computer for the last 18 months or so. Back during the early covid lockdown nonsense and stupidity, a buddy of mine up in North Jersey sent me this picture of a sign outside a deli near where he lives. That's just about as definitive Jersey shit as it gets. 

Ya know, they really don't make 'em like this anymore. That may be for the better, but it was one helluva great movie...

It is summer, and obsessed Ralf Gordon stalks a high-school teacher, 28-year-old Diane Marshall. He watches her from an old warehouse while she is relaxing in her swimsuit on one of the boats. 
One of Diane's students, 18-year-old Sean Roberts -played by Jay North. Yes it is THAT Jay  (you knew him as Beaver Cleaver. Pun not intended) and Ralf's younger brother Lou, also watch her strip naked and exercise. 
An angry Ralf yells at them, brandishing a bayonet. Shocked at this, Lou falls over the railing to his death, for which Ralf falsely blames Sean.
Later that night, Ralf confronts Sean again, threatening to cut the boy's tongue out should he reveal anything. The sheriff questions Sean, who lies due to seeing Ralf eyeing him. The next day, Sean meets with Diane, who invites him to have tea. Diane reveals that she knows about Ralf stalking her. On their way home, Sean and she see Ralf watching them. Diane invites Sean into her house for a drink. This soon escalates into a moment of passionate lovemaking while Ralf, unknown to them, watches jealously.
Diane invites Sean to her boat the next day. Ralf arrives and threatens Sean with a handheld harpoon. However, upon seeing Diane, he flees. Diane later asks Sean to dinner, after which Ralf again threatens him with the bayonet. Diane then tells Sean's parents about Ralf's threats. The next day, Sean drives Diane home and they have a pool party together, then make love. Diane receives a phone call from her drifter husband telling her that he is coming back, but Diane tells him she is divorcing him.
As Sean gets into his van to drive home, he is held at bayonet point by Ralf and ordered to drive to the warehouse. Sean manages to get away and arms himself with a rifle, but Ralf reveals that the gun is loaded with blanks. Ralf gets him in a chokehold, which ends up killing him. Diane arrives on the scene, where Ralf tells her that he killed Sean so he can be with her. 
A horrified Diane pleads tearfully with him. Ralf, overcome with anger and jealousy at Diane's love for Sean over himself, tries to strangle her. Diane manages to stab him with his own bayonet and flees crying, leaving Ralf to bleed to death. Diane finds Sean's body, breaks down and weeps.

Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 



Conch fritters at Snappers in KeyLargo...