Sunday, December 31, 2023

Name this Dame before the year is up...

This one's not so easy - and there's a twist.
Last night's Dame was Teresa Wright - 
you were right, Auntie...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Playboy - Part three...

Happy New Year from Playboy - Part two...


Happy New Year from Playboy - Part one...

The way they saw New Years Eve back in the day in the Saturday Evening Post...


People with birthdays around Christmas 
always kinda get screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make it up for them...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

If you're planning on going to the Soggy Dollar for Ol' Years Day, bring your high-limit credit card with you...

This is the world famous Soggy Dollar bar on Jost Van Dyke - 
a small island in the British Virgin Islands...
It's called that for a great reason. There is no 
dock on that beach. Wanna go in for a cocktail or lunch? 
Ya gotta swim in - they won't even let you dinghy-up onto the shore. 
Of course, credit cards are what they get most of the times these days, and it better be a high-limit motherfucker 'cause there ain't nothing budget conscience about this joint. 

They're famous for having invented the drink called 'The Painkiller, and I'll tell you from personal experience they are fuckin; GREAT, but damn they're pricey. Check out their 'Ol' Years Day' menu:
Yeah - you read that right. Twenty Two smackers for a friggin' cheeseburger. It's almost as bad as Dodger Stadium prices, but the reality is, it's worth every penny and then some. 'Going Soggy' is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people. You should be so lucky.
Juss' sayin'...
Wanna save a coupla grand and make a Painkiller 
for yourself? Click on the GIF above and 
the link'll open in a new tab for you...

You know how dangerous some of these Demorats are. The unelected ones are even scarier...

The appointed - not elected - Maine Democrat dooshtool who 
wanted to boot Donald Trump from the state’s Republican primary ballot visited the White House twice in the past year — meeting President Joe Biden during one jaunt — and reportedly once referred to the Electoral College as a “relic of white supremacy.” Secretary of State Shenna Bellows visited the White House in March and again in June. 
That in and of itself isn't bad, it's how they think and act that should worry you. Pay attention - these people in power are genuinely frightening. The rest of this article is here:

People with birthdays around Christmas 
always kinda get screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make it up for them...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

If it ain't broke, don't fix it Calvin...

Two great singers singing two great songs? Happy New Year...

What will the New Year bring? Well, in Illinois you can put your fuzzy dice back up in the car...

 This is just in case you didn't think there was anything to look forward to in the New Year. 
Thankfully,  the legislators out there were thinking about important shit this past year...   

The New Year brings great news to drivers in the Windy City - fuzzy dice finally will be free to dangle in Illinois. Starting Monday, police in Illinois no longer will be allowed to pull over motorists solely because they have something hanging from the rearview mirror of the windshield. That means air fresheners, parking placards, and, yes, even those dice are fair game to hang.
Though the original Illinois windshield law was meant to improve roadway safety, it came to be seen by some as an excuse for pulling over drivers. The new law still prohibits objects that obstruct a driver’s view but forbids law enforcement officers from conducting stops or searches solely because of suspected violations. “With this new law, we are sending a powerful message that the state does not tolerate racial profiling or other forms of discrimination,” said Democratic state Sen. Christopher Belt, one of the bill’s sponsors.

Another new Illinois law seeks to stifle a more modern form of distracted driving by prohibiting people from participating in video conferences or scanning social media while behind the wheel.

Proof positive tha we don't learn shit from our mistakes. 
That's a 100-year-old editorial cartoon that's 
just as appropriate today.

Go ahead. Let in play in the background while yer surfin'.

A hundred years later and here we are again...

I'm putting together a kind of 'fucket List' of places 
I may want to visit before I kick...

That day Frankie and Frankie stopped over my apartment after work. 
For real - really did happen...

Republicans are taking aim at President Biden for swanning off on a Caribbean family vacation while the crisis at the southern border continues to grow by the day.

Another one from a hundred years ago.

I shit you not. The Mayor of one of America's largest cities wants to pay criminals - only black ones by the way - to not commit crimes. These people truly are nuckin' futs. Read this and weep for humanity:

I always thought people with birthdays around Christmas 
felt somehow kinda screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make up for that feeling...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:


Yesterday was a rainy sitty clammy cold fucked up wintery kinda 
non-Florida kinda day here so it was a good day to make a 
nice big batch of sauce and day drink. I think I was asleep by 8:00. 
Juss' sayin'...





Must be in Italy, right?

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Your nightly HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly is here...

Take a shot at Naming this Dame...

This one's too easy to cheat on.
Last night's Dame was Vanessa Redgrave...

This kid really does get it - whatever it is,,,


I always thought people with birthdays around Christmas 
felt somehow kinda screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make up for that feeling...

Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

Turns out this Florida Man ain't so proud, and he sure as shit ain't all that brave, either...

The Proud Boy who vanished after he was convicted of storming the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, allegedly faked an overdose to delay his sentencing.
Federal prosecutors are looking to hit Christopher Worrell, 52, with an even heftier punishment after he allegedly concocted the medical emergency to avoid the up to 14-year sentence he was facing for using pepper spray gel on police officers during the mob invasion.
The full story on this 'Proud Boy' with no backbone is here:

When we were kids, emulating our Dads was a bit different then it is nowadays. Case in point?

How much evidence do you need to realize that people suck?

Yeah - here I go again on another Shakespearean rant about lawyers, but seriously - who's the bigger jerkoff - the broad or her lawyer? 
To me (and Meagan Fox) it's a coin toss...

Read this and weep for mankind:


I always thought people with birthdays around Christmas 
felt somehow kinda screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make up for that feeling...

Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

Calvin sells his soul...

What would you do New Years Eve if you had too much money? How about this - Jeez...

Yeah - you read that right. Twenty G's PLUS tip for two
Here's the story in the Post:

What would Johnnie Cash be thinking about these days?

Wuddya think people wanted to know from Google this past year?

Well, of course we all know that 'inquiring minds want to know', so I googled it myself. You can too by simply clicking on the screen cap above. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for having such a sophisticated research device in our grasp and using it for such frivolous shit. Juss' sayin'...


Might be a little higher than that...

Don'tcha just love that phrase 'Undocumented immigrants'? It sounds so legit, right? Well, if you were wondering if the people running the Land of Fruits and Nuts haven't lost their marbles, think again, Bubba.
Starting Monday, cash-strapped California will ring in the new year by offering free health care to all illegals who qualify for the state’s government-run health insurance program. The state, which faces a $68 billion deficit in the next fiscal year, has been steadily expanding access to its Medi-Cal health insurance program for low-income residents, allowing undocumented children to qualify for the taxpayer-funded program in 2015, then expanding it under Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom to cover undocumented adults between the ages of 19-25 and those over 50.
On Jan. 1, California will become the first state to offer free health care to all qualifying individuals — regardless of immigration status or age. In May, Democrats in the California Legislature celebrated the budget deal struck by Newsom and state lawmakers that led to the latest Medi-Cal expansion, which will see some 700,000 undocumented immigrants, ages 26-49, obtain full coverage under the program. 
This program is expected to cost the grossly over-taxed average citizens of that state somewhere around $ 3,5000,000,000.00 a year. Unfuckin'believable...




Google has agreed to settle a $5 billion privacy lawsuit alleging that it spied on people who used the "incognito" mode in its Chrome browser, along with similar "private" modes in other browsers — to track their internet use. I wonder who gets the money...

Remember Bailey Quarters? She's aged nicely, living somewhere 
in LaLaLand. Goddamn she was cute back in the day. Juss' sayin'...




I always thought people with birthdays around Christmas 
felt somehow kinda screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make up for that feeling...

Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

Conch fritters at Snappers in KeyLargo...