Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Groggy from too much information overload about the debate? I have the solution.

How about a little music therapy?

A little Pat Travers Band
to wake yer ass up.

Snortin' Whiskey - drinkin' cocaine.

Man, that's gotta be a whole lotta fun...

Like what you're hearing here? 
There's so much more great 
Rock to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:


While you're at it, scroll down to 
catch up on this morning's missives.

Here's some ladies to keep ya
 company before ya get there:







You should know by now that this is the knife 
I carry every day of my life. 

They offer a slightly larger version of the same knife. 
It's worth looking at at the very least.

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you:





Okay - keep goin' - take a look at what you might have missed this morning...

The score at the end of Round One is 0-0 with Chris Wallace's brain in pieces on the floor.

If name calling and talking over each other makes for a good debate, that one should get a friggin' reward... 
What a waste of time. I was asleep by 9:30.
  Formatting On Blogster is a little fucked up today - sorry 'bout dat.

That's the abandonded house in the field next to my brother's house in Doochary, a small village in the Rosses area of County Donegal, Ireland.

Yeah - that pretty much sums up last night's debate.

The Marx Bros. in street clothes - Chico, Harpo, Groucho & Zeppo
From Bunk's mouth to God's ears...

NASA says there is a .042% chance of an asteroid hitting earth on 11/02/2020. The chance of dying from Covid 19 is .026%. I'm gonna trade my mask in for a helmet.
“If, rather than being Catholic, Amy Coney Barrett was a devout Muslim woman who belonged to an extremist Muslim organization that demanded a lifelong covenant, professed a belief that women should be subservient to their husbands, taught at a madrassa, and once said she viewed her participation in the legal profession as a way to bring about the Kingdom of Allah...

The conversation surrounding her appointment to the United States Supreme Court would be very different.

Even the New York Post thought ole' Don was a bit over the top last night - surprising...

Keep this for the second debate - 
if there is one.

Newton's 53rd law of inertia.

Two English Cub Scouts taking part in Operation Shoeshine, a seven-day campaign during Scout Job Week. Their first customer was an actress, Caroline Munro. Showing Ian Kinkaid (left) and Nigel Heap of Southgate, North London, polishing Miss Munro's boots. 1972.

Acclaimed 3-Michelin star restaurant burns down in California wildfire

A California wildfire has completely burned down a famed three-Michelin-star restaurant in Napa Valley. The acclaimed The Restaurant at Meadowood was reduced to rubble Monday in the Glass Fire that has ripped through Napa County and forced thousands to flee their homes.
Dinner for two? $ 600.00. Fuck that.

You should know by now that this is the knife 
I carry every day of my life. 

They offer a slightly larger version of the same knife. 
It's worth looking at at the very least.

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you:

Ahead of the first presidential election, the Trump Campaign released a list of "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer in the Debate" on Monday.

The first question targeted the Democratic nominee's son, Hunter, and a number of his international financial transactions, including "a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian billionaire" and "a joint back account with a Chinese national."

"Why would people connected to the Russian and Chinese governments want to give your son millions of dollars?" the campaign asked Trump's opponent.



Wear A Mask Or Go To Jail. Vintage photos show San Francisco’s ‘Mask Slackers’ got arrested during the 1918 flu pandemic.

For the record, Presidents can NOT unilaterally shut down the country. They can offer guidance and take other measures, but their power to control what restrictions states put in place is limited.


Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


This one might prove to be a bit more interesting...

This is Pretty Boy Floyd - A notorious bank robber who 'operated' throughout the midwest in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The nation's Public Enemy No. 1 at the time had robbed two dozen banks was finally killed by Federal Agents (shot 12 times in the back) on Oct. 23, 1934.
He was, however, much loved by more than a few people. It's seems Floyd didn't really like banks and bankers much. When he robbed banks, he would often make the Banks Managers burn or destroy all of the Mortgage records they had on hand at the time. That relieved hundreds and hundreds of families from their debt obligations...


15 years old, 190,000 miles 
and still running like a champ.

The number one reason I now live in Florida. 
Numero Uno. I fuckin' hate snow.



Couldn't read the article but that's about the best thing you can say about Jersey these days...


Oh, c'mon now - I know we're fuckin' idiots, 
but that's just crazy.

Sorry - don't need details on this.


If you - or anyone you know - suffers from Gout the same as I do, you really need to know about this supplement. I'm dead serious about this.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a fucking god-send. Believe me. 

Click on this for even more info:


Fat. Fucking. Chance. Too late now.

Is it possible for the media to hate one person - any other person - more than they hate this guy? I seriously doubt it...


How we did selfies back in the day...

Disney cited the parks' limited visitor capacity and uncertainty about how long the coronavirus pandemic would last as reasons for the layoffs. No shit, Sherlock.
The company's theme parks have taken a major hit from the pandemic. Disney shut all its parks earlier this year as the virus spread, but only Disneyland in California remains closed, because they're so fucked up out tere God only knows when Newsome will wake the fuck up.
"We have made the very difficult decision to begin the process of reducing our workforce at our Parks, Experiences and Products segment at all levels," Josh D'Amaro, chairman of the parks unit, said in a statement. The layoffs apply to "domestic employees" (whatever the fuck that means) of which about 67% are part-time.


I had no idea she was an Aussie. Not that I give a fuck - I fuckin' HATED that song. She certainly chunked up in old age, huh?

I'll leave ya with this:


Back when entertaining the eye was at least as important as functionality. This is a 1942 Wurlitzer Model 42 Victory Juke Box.

Had every intention of watching the whole debate last night, but I got hung up. Hate when that happens.
... '

At $ 149.00 for this full 20v set, 
this is one helluva deal. 

The batteries alone are worth more than that. 
See it for yourself here:

What the British press thinks of Trump ain't much, 
I know that for a fact.

Gotta admit - this one took me a minute also. Must be gettin' stupid in my old age.

Is it me or is her ass/hips just way outta proportion? 
Asking for a friend...


Honestly? I couldn't agree more...




Want to find something nice for your wife or girlfriend (or both)? 


My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:

Conch fritters at Snappers in KeyLargo...