Sunday, March 29, 2020

Power in the wrong hands...

One by one politicians are using this virus bullshit to strip you of your constitutional rights.

You should be very, very concerned.

This is not the first time Murphy has fucked with your 2nd Amendment rights, Jerseyans. 
You should be VERY concerned about this guy.

The Governor of NJ ordered all of the gun stores in the state to close and no one is concerned about that? He has denied the people of the state a fundamental constitutional right. Those of you who would now like to be able to defend yourselves have now been denied that right at the whim of one singular, power-mad politician, and you are now powerless to do anything about it.;

That's scary people. Think about it. They closed the schools, bars and restaurants without even discussing it with you.

Are food stores next? Gas stations? Do NOT think that's as crazy as it sounds. Abuses of power translate into lack of free will and freedom and eventually yer fucked and ya didn't see it coming.

Or didja?

1 comment:

  1. And here I am reducing the number of guns I own. I just sold a popular Glock 9mm.

    Actually I sold it to fund the purchase a 10mm MOS. :)


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