Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day drinkin' on Sunday afternoon

Why not - what the fuck?
It's not like there's anything good 
on TV on Sunday nights anyway... 





Sooner or later they're gonna lift this travel ban shit 
and I think everybody and their brother is gonna need 
a road trip - or two. 

Just had to get a new one for myself - 
this is similar to the one I bought.

Take a look at the one you have and see 
if it ain't something you need to replace.

You'll find this one here - and at a great price:




Ya better act quick. We're at 96 now - 
probably get to 100 this week.


Because I'm patriotic - that's why.

They certainly ain't the nuns I had in grammar school.

We may well have another keeper here. 
Damn - she's cute.





Sick of winter? 
Ready for summer?

You're not ready if you haven't got your yard Flamingos yet.

Get all 12 - that'll really piss yer neighbors off.

Where ya gonna go at five bucks apiece?
You'll find them here:




Because I'm patriotic, - that's why.



And, as usual, we'll let the girls
 take us out of this post. Love dese gals.


If you have the Gout like I do, 
this is a miracle supplement to discover. 
Google it if you don't know what it is or what it can do for you - but I guarantee ya it'll absolutely work for ya.  

Get it here:

Black Cherry Capsules 1400 mg 240 Count


A cartoon I don't quite get...

  ...       Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet. It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to ...