Thursday, January 9, 2025

Well, I sure as fuck ain't moving to Utah. Them people don't imbibe nearly enough...

In the United States, men drink more than women, and some racial groups drink more than others: 

Men drink more often and more heavily than women, consuming nearly three times as much pure alcohol per year. 

Hispanics, Native Americans, and Whites have higher rates of daily heavy drinking than Blacks and Asians: 
Hispanics: 33.9% 
Native Americans: 28.4% 
Whites: 27.3% 
Blacks: 22.5% 
Asians: 19.2% 
Heavy drinking is lowest among adults aged 65 and over, if you don't include Florida. Juss' sayin'... 

'Gonna be a dental floss tycoon'...

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that the background singers on that song and album was Tina Turner and the Ikettes? Great album...


And what are they drinking in your state?

...    Why do I do what I do here? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have for doing this,  and when you buy h...