Tuesday, January 14, 2025

It took long enough for these jackals to blame the fire on Trump...


  1. If California was experiencing unusually hot temperatures, I might agree. Unfortunately, it's been kind of cold. The Santa Ana winds were around since before 1901 when they were named, pre-dating Trump by over a century.. Perhaps the problem is the Democrats cutting funding to the fire departments, having the fire hydrants dry, embracing DEI instead of competence in hiring firefighters, eliminating fire breaks for "environmental" reasons, and general mismanagement of forests and underbrush.

    Of course, the main culprit might just turn out to be the illegal aliens -- let in by Biden -- running around with blow torches starting fires.

  2. last summer I had my grandson up for 2 weeks. fun. yeah, right. ended up taking his dumb ass to a greenhouse that I sort of know the guy. and then asked him to explain what a CO2 generator does and how it makes the plants grow so much better. spent like 2 hours there. he popped every stupid idea the "school" put into his head about CO2.
    we really need to look hard at the clowns that are teaching our kids this stupid shit.
    that is where the problem is. damn teachers who "teach" bullshit ideas.

  3. i assume the democratic party in mass goes to the morgue to get candidates. i also assume the voters who put him in office also came from the morgue

    1. If not the morgue, certainly from the cemeteries.

  4. When people this stupid and clueless die, their brains should be dissected to see what is wrong with it. It's science.

  5. Senator "Malarkey" is off on another rant. Fred Alan's Senator Claghorne mad more sense.

    1. As did Claghorne's alter ego, Foghorn Leghorn.

  6. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyJanuary 14, 2025 at 2:06 PM

    Anything that actually caused or "stoked" the ferocity of the fires - lack of water, no brush clearing, incompetent power companies, diverted funds, and the like - implicate and convict THEM in this disaster. So, they bring out the usual squirrel to parade in front of the gullible and vile alike.

  7. Markey has always been an idiot. He never disappoints. Another Masshole politician.

    1. Asshatchusetts has had a run of jackasss Senators lately, haven't they?

  8. Wow! He's, overtly, proclaiming that he is dumber than a box of rocks!


And they say WE drink alot?

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