Sunday, September 8, 2024

The 'Vacationer in chief'. What a great title...


 According to this report, President Biden spent almost as much time on R&R as he did running the country. The 81-year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years — about 40% of the 1, 326 days he’s been in office.
It would take the average American — who gets 11 days a year of vacation — approximately 48 years to accumulate that number of days off, according to shocking data compiled by the Republican National Committee.




They obviously did 'Like Ike'. Campaign workers for 
Eisenhower's 1956 campaign sported some seriously fancy outfits. These Ike Girls first made an appearance in 1952 as part of “Draft Ike,” the first successful grassroots effort in the 20th century to bring a private citizen, WWII hero General Dwight D. Eisenhower, to the White House. The ones shown here were drumming up the vote for Ike’s second term.


Italians can and will bitch about anything and everything - I know for a fact. Nowadays, they're bitching because too many tourists are flocking to the country and spending too much money. Now, tourism bosses in the Eternal City are bitching about overcrowding at the iconic Trevi Fountain — to the point where they’re floating the idea of an admission fee and reservation system for visits to the beloved Baroque-era site.
The idea of staggered entry and a modest fee of a couple of Euros comes as the Italian capital experiences surging numbers of visitors, with the historically sacred location absorbing approximately 1,200 sightseers every hour, the AP reported.
The coins tossed in to the Trevi Fountain have to be cleared daily because of the sheer amount being tossed in. On average, around 3,000 euros worth of coins are collected in a day–that’s over 1 million euros every year. That money goes to a Catholic charity run by the Vatican.


A gin mill with a great history and a friend 
of mine behind the bar as an added bonus...
I'm heading back to Ireland next week and looking forward to seeing my buddy Michael, the head kegsman at the Crown. This really is in my top five favorite bars (three of which are in Ireland). Take a look at their website and google it for it's history. Helluva tale here...

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!


Personally, I'd take Belfast over Dublin every day of the week, bearing in mind that they are in two different countries on the same island.
 Visit Dublin and tell me you don't get the same reaction as I do - that everyone everywhere there is trying to rip you off somehow. 
Belfast, on  the other hand, has a 'lived in' kinda vibe to it. Sure, they get tourists there, but the whole city has that kinda home-townish kinda thing going for it. The 'troubles' that haunted the city in the '60's through the '80's are now in it's past. Here's a wee article about some of the highlights there:




  1. The criminals Walz, Kamala, dirty judges, etc, are not being held accountable so things will continue as they are.
    Love the classy Ike girls.

  2. Biden on vacation the whole time? Hadn't noticed, I suspect things are being run by someone from behind the curtains.

  3. Drop by my old school, Inst, just down the road from the Crown on the other side.
