Sunday, September 8, 2024

When's the last time you even looked at a copy of the Constitution of the United States?

 You were most likely in fifth grade the last time you looked at the most important document in the entire world...  

Never in the history of mankind has there been a single document so concise, so powerful and yet so flexible as this founding instrument is. Think about the men who crafted it (and why) and take a little time out of you day to refresh your memory on how important it truly is. There's a link to a website where the document in it's entirety is available to read - for free. Here it is:


  1. The four freedoms should NEVER be shown alongside the Declaration of Independence or Constitution. They were the product of FDR, a man who hated both documents about as much as any openly Communist leader. The founding documents were intended to express how p e of freedom, and protection against government tyranny, while the last two "freedoms" essentially REQUIRE TYRANNY to try and achieve.

  2. But for the left only ONE freedom matters: the freedom to control other people. Yes, our experts in SLAVERY are democrats.

  3. After you read the US Constitution you need to look at the CSA Constitution.

  4. At least once a year along with the Declaration of Independence. Everyone should also read the Federalist Papers, a good way to understand what the language was and what the ideas are

  5. Hillsdale College, among others, distributes free copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I'm amazed at how much people say is in there that is not. You'd think they were Supreme Court justices by the amount of stuff they just make up.
