Thursday, September 12, 2024

The best way to end the day is with a really stunning HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly...

Arrivederci, my friends - cyuz in a coupla weeks...

But the blog'll still be here.
I preposted a shitload of stuff.

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART HUNDRED THIRTY TWO...

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART EIGHTY TWO...

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART FOUR...

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. This one's from Playboy...

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART THREE...


Nothing but comics for the rest of today. Here's Calvin...


Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART TWO...

Nothing but comics for the rest of today. PART ONE...

Can someone tell me how this is any of Fakebooks business? Beuhler? Beuhler?

Thank god somebody's got a sense of humor in the middle of all this craziness...

The Arizona Republican Party brain trust - having lost a presidential vote, both of the state’s U.S. Senate seats and all key state offices - has launched a new front in its bid to take jabs at libs. Digital billboards, a dozen of them, promoting what is perhaps the funniest conspiracy theory of the year (and that is saying something). “EAT LESS KITTENS — Vote Republican!” the state GOP’s billboards proclaim. The billboard features four kittens dressed in cow costumes, a la the iconic Chick-fil-A ads. Whether it's effective or not, it's pretty friggin' funny if ya ask me...

I'm gonna be road-tripping for the next two weeks, so my posting might not be as timely and prescient as they are normally are (my opinion) because I'll be dealing with a tablet thingie instead of this super-deluxe UNIVAC 4000. If I do come across anything that I think's worth sharing, I can do it from my phone. Well, sorta. Anyways, I'll keep yuz posted...



I am sick to tears with the 'main stream' media. 
There's nothing main stream about these uber-lib 
elitist leftie jerkoffs...




This is real, ya know. You can buy one here for $ 12.00.

The money you collect from SSI is theoretically your own money that was taken out of your salary as a 'tax', and yet the scumbags in these states have the balls to actually tax you on your 'benefit' as if it were an actual income? How fucked up is that? The whole idea of a state income tax is fucked up. That's one of 437 reasons I left New Jersey and moved here to the Sunshine State...



Just a reminder. One of our readers snuck an order in for 
Bab's jewelry stuff last night and we'll literally being dropping it 
in the mail on our way to the airport, so any other orders that come 
in can't be fulfilled 'till we get back, capische?


There is an actual story behind this if you're interested. It's here.




Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A taste of a classic Playboy cartoon to get the taste of that debate out of your mouth...

I don't get this one. If you do, leave a comment, because I'm a dolt, evidently...


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!


Just to let you know, if you have a special occasion like a
 birthday or anniversary coming up towards the end of
 September and you wanna get her some jewelry from Barbara, 
she won't be able to ship anything for a couple
 of weeks starting tomorrow, so you have to
 order by tonight at the latest. Okay?

Calvin talks debates and other arguments...


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!

Just to let you know, if you have a special occasion like a
 birthday or anniversary coming up towards the end of
 September and you wanna get her some jewelry from Barbara, 
she won't be able to ship anything for a couple
 of weeks starting tomorrow, so you have to
 order by this afternoon. Okay?