Sunday, September 29, 2024

The sad reality and the bitter truth, all in one panel...

Saying that this election or that election was rigged just because your candidate didn't win is a friggin' cop out. It's a sad fact of life that the average person in this country isn't as smart as you'd like them to be, so maybe we just shouldn't let the people in the lower half vote. That'll solve everything, right?



Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!



That didn't take very long, did it?


Following Diddy's arrest, sources resurfaced an old tweet from 
Kamala Harris where she praised Diddy for hosting a town hall on racial inequality during her previous run for the White House in 2020.

Am I just now noticing she has some substantial cans?


There's more than a few things wrong with this picture, not the least 
of which is that DJT has never said anything about banning abortions - in fact he's been very specific. He feels that each state can and should set their own guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable when it comes to killing babies.
Also - on that phrase 'reproductive freedom'. It actually reads - to me at least, that somehow someone somewhere is telling people when they CAN have babies, rather than if they can kill babies or not. Am I being to literal?


Here's another great idea for a gift
that's both unique and affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!

I've mentioned that I was in the Army, right? Well, how many 
of you are members of the Legion? I never served overseas, so the V is out for me. This is my legion hall. It's actually not exactly just right around the corner - it's more than 300 miles from me in Key Largo. It has a cool little bar inside an old residential property on a quiet little side street. Google it.

I didn't say it - he did...


  1. Life Member of Legion and Fleet Reserve. Quit the V because of them selling our personal info to sleazy insurance sales people. I'd like to visit the Largo post sometime, looks nice.

  2. Yes the 2020 election was stolen right in front of our faces. If you have any doubts just look how vehemently the media tries to tell you it wasn’t. That, unfortunately, is the world we live in now. The harder the media tries to tell you something isn’t true just adds legitimacy to the subject.

  3. "Saying that this election or that election was rigged just because your candidate didn't win is a friggin' cop out."

    There are far too many documented voting idiosyncrasies to pretend the 2020 election wasn't fraudulent. More votes than registered voters. Corrupted voter roles. Voting machines connected to the internet. Election officials deleting files that are supposed to be archived. Video of boxes of mail-in ballots being delivered from out-of-state. Proof that some voting machines moved votes from one party to the other. Video of non-citizens admitting they are registered to vote.

    Closing your ears and pretending it was all on the up-and-up is absurd. And any party that resists a full investigation is suspect. Elections need to be proven to be fair, not assumed to be fair. If you want those election results respected, prove to me that there was NO fraud.

    BTW, I've been an American Legion member for nearly a quarter of a century now.

  4. I'm a life member of the Legion. Never went overseas, either.

    I'll have to check out that legion post.

  5. Not a member of any legion. Too old to correct that now. Was 4f when I could so arm chair for me. Anyway, the 2020 election was not a cheat, it was flat out stolen. Visible from space stolen. I am pretty sure we will not vote our way out. Not sure how Trump can correct the deep state as they are the only ones willing to do violence to protect themselves, Given the current state of the military leadership I really am concerned we can civilly correct the situation. Some of us will be needing to be ready to do some violence.

  6. Marvin Shields Post 26, Port Townsend, WA.

  7. The fact that you served in the US military is a HUGE bragging right. And to be honest, the VFW allows ANYONE who served anywhere that there was a conflict is pretty f*cked up. Their members did not have to participate in combat. They could have been "in the rear with the gear" supply clerks or office pinkies.

  8. I know this thread is dated but I got power back today. I did 21 years in the GA Air Guard. I was activated and spent 3 month Active Duty for Righteous Cause when we got Noriega. I was activated for Desert Shield where I was the first wave for build up for 10 weeks. Then in February re-activated for 5 days short of 6 months that turned into Desert Storm. I was at Brightstar in 01 when the exercise went real world mission because of 911 and my 3 weeks AD tuned into 3 months. On a Southern Watch in Kuwait I was sent to Afghanistan for 3 weeks to lay the first fiber line down Main street. That deployment was 4 months. I qualify to be in the VFW. I do not qualify for VA benefits except for VA home loan and GI Bill for education. The VA has a requirement that a member must serve 2 years continuous Active Duty to qualify for services or more than 6 months in a war zone. I have multiple campaign medals and almost 8 years of AD points but no VA medical or disability for injuries received while on AD. I have regrets.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...