Thursday, July 18, 2024

Who drinks the most beer - and who avoids it almost completely?

If you think the WHO would endorse embibing in any way, you're dead wrong. As far as they're concerned, damn near everything you and I do on a regular basis is gonna kill us. I got a question - why do these assholes exist, and more importantly, who gives a flying rat's ass fuck what they have to say? Do I need to remind you how cruelly, fatally wrong they were about COVID?
Here's their take on alcohol consumption. Fuck them. Juss' sayin'...



  1. 1.8 gallons per year?? Hell, I know guys that do that per week.

  2. The info about beer consumption is misleading. It is NOT 1.5-1.8 gallons of beer per capita per year. It is 1.5-1.8 gallons of pure alcohol contained in beer, per capita per year. I promise you it is a big difference.


  3. BTW you need to check the sources, especially if they come from these aggregate news sites. Turns out Poland is #4, and the #1 beer consumer country in the world in 2020 was Gabon! Followed by Czechia, Austria, Poland, Germany and Romania.



I couldn't agree more. Cal...

It may well be 'climate change', but it sure as fuck ain't 'global warming' - at least not around here. I don't wann...