Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Finally - the hero that New York City needs is finally there...

The guy started putting posters around Union Square in Manhattan 
about a week prior to the planned event. 

By the time the event rolled around there was, by some estimates, as many as 1,000 people in the square to do exactly that - stand around and watch the guy eat a big jar of UTZ cheese balls. Took him about 30 minutes to knock them all off, with the crowd cheering him on on each and every ball. This is 'theater of the absurd' at it's finest. I absofuckinlutely woulda been there for that.


If I started reading a bible today it would be 
the first time I ever opened the book.

So I gotta ask - is this legit? And that's what they call a 'holy book'?  Speaking of books, why are people getting so bent out of shape when a politician is stupid enough to write a book and talk about how she shot her fuckin' dog? Honestly - who gives a fuck? I'm really starting to think that all politicans are just plain fuckin' stupid.


They don't need to be suspended. They need to get their asses thrown in the pokey for a coupla days. A night or two at Rikers would most certainly serve them well. Even better, every single one of these mask-wearing jerkoffs should be shipped (in an unventilated shipping container) to Gaza and left there to fend for themselves amongst all the terrorists they support.



Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You have less than two weeks to do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!


Think anybody's working on a vaccine for this shit? If it 
is an actual 'flu' virus, there can be an actual vaccine 
created from the flu itself. That's how vaccines work.







  1. Old Testament...make of that what you will.

  2. The guy with the flippers........anyone else think it was John Fetterman on his way to the Senate?

  3. God told Abraham to kill his son, killed everyone on earth with a flood, killed the firstborn of Egypt, obliterated Sodom and Gomorrah. God issued "Thou Shall not Kill" right before the Chosen Ones purged the "Promised Land" of the people already living there. God, the Creator of the universe, displayed a lot of human traits back in the day. Holy indeed. Much like today, the ancient Chosen Ones were portrayed as the heroes and the victims in the book written by them.

  4. Even if it was the old testament that had all this in it. Christians do NOT do this any more. However, libturd islams do this every day of the year, NOW.


Somewhere warm and special...