Tuesday, April 30, 2024

They know how to deal with these protest dooshbags down in Texas. Good for them - watch this...


  1. Why not take all of the disgusting pro-Arab students and ship them all to Palestine?

  2. I was thinking, a manure spreader could deal with those a-holes wholesale .

    But knowing the mentality of the Leftist sheep-bots, they're so perverted they'd probably enjoy a nice dung dousing !

  3. The protesters are supporting the Genocide of innocent Jewish children. Also, there is no Palistenian Ethnic people. The rabel occupying Gaza are Arabs there were expelled from Arab/Muslim nations for being lazy and worthless.

  4. Screw you protestors. Hahahahahaha. Idiots and anti-semites. Israel is going to teach those hamas shitheads to never f*ck with Israel again like they did last October 7th. You go Israel.

  5. It is truly sad to see how many thousands of college students, who are supposedly being educated, cannot inform themselves of the facts or think for themselves. Parents pay thousands of dollars to educate their children but the students get indoctrinated into ultra-leftist ideology instead. For now the lesson must be: If the college has fringe leftist idiots as professors or administrators stay clear!

  6. Why are they always so ugly? I mean do the advertise specifically for ugly protesters?

  7. I'd like to see a couple of the cops grab one of those asshole with the cell phone in their face recording, and attempt to literally stick it up the kooks ass.

  8. Nah, they should be handled like the rioters in Soylent Green. "The scoops are on their way. The scoops are on their way." That's how you handle a crowd like the ones creating mayhem on the on campuses everywhere. Then take them to the nearest large body of water and dump them in, using cattle prods to encourage the more uppity ones.


Somewhere warm and special...