Friday, November 3, 2023

In case you were wondering how higher education in this country is doing... - This spring, UC Berkeley will join Stanford, New York University and the University of Texas at Austin in a small but growing club of world-class universities that have offered courses on Taylor Swift.
The course, called “Artistry and Entrepreneurship: Taylor’s Version,” is offered through its Haas School of Business and will last 13 weeks. The course covers topics ranging from Swift’s use of literary devices (weeks five and six) to “Swiftonomics” (week seven) to Swift’s strategic use of artistic personas (weeks eight and nine, in a unit titled “victor/victim complex”). 
To the course’s founders, Swift is a rare model of a musician who exemplifies artistic craft and business wiles in equal measure. After all, Swift recently became a billionaire following the success of her Eras Tour.



Another book I wish I'da writ...

Students at Woodgrove High School in Purcellville, Virginia, walked out of class on Wednesday in protest at the school district's policy on allowing trans students to use the bathroom of their choice.

How many trans kids could there be in such a tiny little town? 
Asking for a friend...

I was gonna try to avoid talking about this Hamas invasion thing but we got to talking about how really fuckin' stupid a move it was for these guys to do this shit. I think we ended up figuring out that the only good reason they could have had to even attempt something like this would be to try and kick-start WWIII between Muslim nations and the rest of the world. Almost nothing else we could come up with made any other sense.
Great topic of conversation when all ya wanted to do was have a coupla beers, huh?



Do you know what type of earrings
 your wife or girlfriend would like?
Maybe she'd like these... 

Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 16.00 and that includes free shipping!


I can't begin to grasp the magnitude of the balls 
of any guy who would have been a ball turret gunner.




  1. I have to call BS on the move to chart. Who would want to move to New York? or Washington DC? or Portland?

  2. Sad Sack ... substitute loading a dishwasher for digging a ditch, and substitute a wife for the sarge, and the comic still works perfectly.

  3. My dad flew 2 tours in a B-17 ball turret. He trained as a radio operator but as soon as he got to England volunteered to be a ball turret gunner. His first tour was with the 91st BG in '43, He actually flew on the "memphis belle" for 1 mission in may '43. After he finished his 25 missions he was assigned to headquarters as an instructor and met my mom, a WAC. After returning to the states he volunteered to go back for another tour if he could go to 1st Air Division, where my mom was. In '44 he flew 35 missions with the 388th BG and married my mom in Jan of '45. They were together till he passed in '99.

  4. From my mother’s sleep I fell into the Stat
    And I hunched in it’s belly till my wet fur froze…

  5. Not only was my father a turrent ball gunner but he was among the survivors in one B-17 crash and the sole survivor in another. Both were training missions stateside and in the second one his back was severely injured so he never did make it overseas.


It comes down to desperation plays and Hail Marys...

 First he was a narcissist, Then he was a Fascist. Now he's Hitler.  What other insane nonsense can they throw at him?   31 Years after ...