Friday, November 3, 2023

Ronnie challenges Donnie to a 'boot off'?

Trump and other opponents have put out conspiracy theories that the candidate uses lifts in his boots to look taller. Speaking to Eric Bolling Thursday, DeSantis took on the claims again and tried to hit back at Trump for his lack of attendance at Republican Primary debates. 'This is no time for foot fetishes, we've got serious problems in the country,' DeSantis said, before explaining the myriad problems with the country under current President Joe Biden.
Problems and policies are all any of these people should be talking about, so good for you, Governor. 
There more to this story to be found here:


  1. I have five pair of cowboy boots. They all have heels that look EXACTLY like what I've seen DeSantis wear. If this is the best they can do to criticize him, maybe they should just admit he's the better candidate.

    Newsom or Biden

  3. Trump, DeSantis, or the green eyed monster behind the barstool. I'll vote against Biden (or Gavin Nuisance) in the general. I would really appreciate Trump, DeSantis, and GEM would stop trying to destroy each other.

  4. The leftists in the media will focus on anything they can get their grubby little mitts on to discredit, or draw negative attention, to the better candidate....I'm torn between keeping the best governor in the country for Florida, and seeing if he can be the best president we've had in many a year....we had best figure out how to un-fuck ourselves from the mess the goddamned democrats have created....intentionally, I might add....anyone who thinks the southern border mess is not intentional, cooperating with the New World Order assholes, is either a democrat, or just fucking blind....not to mention the intentional bankrupting of the country....always remember the advice of Willy wanna save the country?....kill all the democrats....


Wanna see just how scary AI can be - and how close to real it looks?

Click on this screencap to see the reel this guy posted.  Trump on guitar, Putin on drums, Biden lost and confused (of course)  and more. It...