Tuesday, September 12, 2023

This guy makes Nixon look like an altar boy. How does he get away with lying to so many so often?

He just makes shit up out of thin air...

He actually had the balls to say this while he was NOT in New York City on 9-11:
 "Ground Zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell."
No one in any major media calls him on the bullshit he comes out with. Why is that, you suppose? This man is the leader of the free world. That fact alone doesn't scare you?
Click on tha picture to see of the video of this absolute fuckin' lie.


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  1. Doesn’t take balls when you are as clueless as this fuckwad.

  2. he on so many drugs, he has no idea where he is or what happen yesterday even. dave in pa.

  3. Biden has gotten away with so much, for so long, he can now get away with anything, without question by anybody....there is a solution....

  4. Someone should of shouted, I was all over the place the next day and I did not see your ass there!!!!

  5. We need a child to shout, "The Emperor has no mind!"
