Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Go figure...


  1. Bet they didn’t teach Critical Race Theory either!

  2. Infinitesimal calculus was developed in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently of each other. An argument over priority led to the Leibniz-Newton calculus controversy which continued until the death of Leibniz in 1716.

    With some 17,000 Puritans migrating to New England by 1636, Harvard was founded in anticipation of the need for training clergy for the new commonwealth, a "church in the wilderness". Harvard was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

    1. Neither Leibniz nor Newton copied from the other. Newton was probably ahead of Liebniz in developing calculus, but slower to publish. Newton was inventing physics, and needed a whole new kind of math to do the calculations, and planned to publish them together - so he was waiting until both subjects were ready. Liebniz was inventing a new kind of mathematics, and could publish once that was ready.

      The other consequence is that Newton went just far enough in inventing calculus notations to write the physics equations, because that's all he needed. Liebniz invented a much more flexible system, including the integral sign and the "d" for differential, notations that mathematicians and scientists still use today.

  3. And now they don't have it because maffs beez racissss.


Good Morning...