Friday, May 5, 2023

When the 'Old Grey Lady' says the old lady's gotta go, I guess she's gotta go...

 Feinstein should resign, 
New York Times 
Editorial Board says...
The New York Times Editorial Board called on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to resign from the upper chamber on Friday if she continues to remain sidelined from Senate business, having been away from Washington since late February due to illness.
The board wrote that despite Feinstein’s distinguished three-decade Senate career, her ongoing battle with shingles that has kept her away from Washington for more than two months is forcing Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y..) to make “a painful choice.”


  1. They want Feinstein out because the committees she's on. They didn't call for Fetterman to be removed when he was out for several months.

  2. Leave Commiefornia Gran Gran Alone! She has been there longer than most people have been alive. She gets to stay in office as long as she is obstructing the business of any democrats being assigned to an office they clearly do not qualify to occupy. It best to have an empty office instead of an office filled with uncivil and immoral robe wearers aiming to end the republic.

  3. Besides, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, and Graham will make up DiFi's lost votes.


I had a marvelous eleven days, and then I can home...

In all the time I was in Ireland, I saw, read or heard absolutely no news at all. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. It was blissfull...      I did ha...