Friday, May 5, 2023

There's only one thing you need to know about the significance of today...

Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration that commemorates the anniversary of Mexico's victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza. The victory over the French army was a morale boost for the Mexicans.

Here in the States, people will be doing stupid shit at bad pseudo-mexican restaurants. In Mexico, they won't be doing anything extraordinary beyond walking towards our southern border. The whole day is as made up as Valentine's Day. Get over it. 


Imagine if this were the case and every diamond everywhere around the world would be sent back to Africa.
According to one guy - a lawyer in Africa, the new British King should return the world’s largest diamond to South Africa, where it was discovered in 1905, after his coronation on Saturday. The Great Star of Africa is mounted in the sovereign’s sceptre with cross, which Charles will hold during the ceremony.

My question is, does the guy want it back as it is now, or how they found it originally? That'd be a little hard to do, wouldn't it? Juss' sayin'...

She bummed that they don't let pets in the museum. 
I think that's what the sign says. 
Or is it no doggy-style? 


And I bet neither one of them could tell you what were the 
49th and 50th States or what the Capitol of Montana is. Why do 
we listen to morons like these spoiled brat kids?

These royal types DO like their fineries, don't they?
Imagine if they sold all that shit - what good they could do for the people of their countries. I'm not some kinda commie or nuthin', I'm juss' sayin' - know what I mean? 
Like all that shit and paintings and stuff in the Vatican. Imagine that. 
Go ahead - I'll wait here.


The Eastern U.S. and the Caribbean could see less threat from hurricanes this fall and a snow-free Christmas. The West Coast might get their asses kicked.
Those are just two possible ramifications if the tropical Pacific slips back into the warmer half of a key climatic pattern - El NiƱo.


Mother's Day is next weekend.
 Are you going to wait until the last 
minute to get her something nice?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.
There is only one available and people have it in their carts.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

A mystery has emerged after hundreds of pounds of cooked pasta were dumped in a park. Oodles of noodles were found last week by a stream bed in Old Bridge, New Jersey, a town about 30 miles south of New York City. Township resident Nina Jochnowitz shared pictures of the spaghetti, ziti, and macaroni in a Facebook post. She estimated that more than 500 pounds of pasta was dumped in Veterans Park, but added that the township managed to clean it up quickly.

The Surgeon General of the United States, in a definitive effort to prove that their whole office is worthwhile existing, has come out with a new, exhaustive study stating that lonliness is bad. I wonder how much of your money they spent crafting that magnificent pile of dogshit research? I coulda told 'em that in two short sentences:
Loneliness is bad.
Not lonliness is better.


I would fly up just to get that bobblehead. I really would. How ridiculously friggin' cool is that? I know it's stupid and juvenile - that's what makes it so fuckin' cool. Lighten up, cupcake...




A fist fight erupted at a conference yesterday when a Russian diplomat ripped down a Ukraine flag. Believe it or not, the item did not indicate what the conference was for, or if it was war-related. That's pretty friggin' funny, though. Is this guy 12 or something?

The babe on the left don't look all too happy, though...


  1. Cinco de Mayo..... Translation: No one gives a shit.

  2. We always knew that Jimmy Hoffa was interred somewhere n New Jersey, but Old Bridge ...?

    1. He was in Ramp #3 at the old stadium in Rutherford...

    2. No. He disappeared from a Detroit suburb, after a meeting with Detroit mobsters. With all the ways of making a body disappear in Michigan, shipping him all the way to New Jersey would multiply both the chances of something going wrong and the number of people involved. If it had been handled that stupidly, it would have come out long ago.

      I think either he went through a car crusher in the trunk of a junk car that was melted down in a steel mill a few days later, or he's buried on a Michigan farm. Many gangsters owned a place in the country, but I would not expect it to be on land they owned. There's land all over that was let go back to brush and forest and is now only visited in deer hunting season, and it's easy to get in and out of it with no one noticing.

  3. Selling the crown jewels or the opening the vaults, might make a few start living a better life but the majority will squander the opportunity and be in a worse position in the future. Just look at the lottery winners who after 5 years are broke.

  4. African Studies? NFW. Just another democrat idea they expect others to pay for. If interested in African Studies they can read library books. And just how is a class in African studies going to prepare them for employment? Carwashes, McDonalds, and Starbucks are full of gullible fools who wasted their time in Black-Gender-African studies classes. Obviously the classes they're already taking do not require too much effort outside the classroom. I wouldn't hire them.


A great view of where I could easily spend the rest of my life...

  This is the Gweebarra River valley in Donegal County, Ireland  where  my brother TJ and his wife Caroline have their 'wee cottage'...