Friday, May 5, 2023

If this isn't a full-blown invasion, nothing is. Why is this happening?

This is insanity. First and foremost, we should declare war on 
Mexico for allowing this shit to happen in the first place. 
We have to do SOMETHING ferfucksake. 

Read the full article here and weep for your country:


  1. Tell them to keep on going all the way to the District of Corruption and close suburbs. They will be welcome. Free stuff. They hiked all the way across Mexico without eating or taking a dump, another 1000 miles will be a piece of cake.

  2. Don't worry; we've sent 1500 military down there to stop them.
    Now you know why there was such a rush to declare the pandemic over.

  3. They should be met with a hail of bullets.....


It's not like you actually give a shit, but...

I'm back from my travels. More about that  and other nonsense in a little while...