Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Sometimes, more than others, it's hard to know where to start...

 Some times it's better - and easier - to just let 
the headlines speak for themselves...  

When all else fails, it's always better to blame the environmentalists.



America’s credit card balance has passed $1 trillion, or it’s about to, depending on who you ask. The average interest rate on a new card is 24 percent, the highest figure since the Reaganomics era.  
A typical American household now carries $10,000 in credit card debt, by one estimate, another record.  
If that doesn’t sound like a lot of debt, try paying it off. At $250 per month, with 24 percent interest, you’ll be making payments until 2030, and you’ll spend a total of $20,318, twice what you owed. And that assumes you never use the card again. 

There's a very good reason why Jill Biden gets invited to 
as many weddings as she does...


One of Australia’s two active volcanoes on an island near Antarctica - known as Big Ben - has been spotted by satellite spewing lava.
The lava flow on the uninhabited Heard Island, about 2,500 miles south-west of Perth and 900 miles north of Antarctica, is part of an ongoing eruption that was first noted more than a decade ago.

I know this beach very well...

I have been a Yankees fan my whole life, in part because my grandmother brought home Whitey Ford for my ninth birthday party, and yet I have not yet been to the new stadium. Living in Florida now as I am, I may never. I guess I just don't know what I'm missing...



Can you imagine what kinda whiney-ass piece of shit crybaby fuckin' spoiled his whole life rich kid jerkoff this guy has to be - and married to that attention whore bitch? Yikes. Corn flakes would commit suicide rather than be in his cereal bowl. Juss' sayin'..


I think I don't wanna believe some of the stories coming out about ole Hef lately. I'd rather remember him as the fuckin' god that he was. And, in this picture, the one and only Miss Barbie Benton, is at his side.

I don't care if this pic is photoshopped or not. It's the incredible image of a shuttle on takeoff that fascinates me. It's hard for me to grasp that people would be able to create - and control - that much energy.

The Duke's best line from his (by far) best movie.


  1. Shuttle? Pfft.
    Shuttle thrust: 1.2 million lbf.
    Starship thrust: 29 million lbf.

  2. The new Stadium, Joe, is the exact duplicate on the outside as the original and the field dimensions all also the same. But it's the inside which is radically different. More and bigger and better restrooms, nicer and cleaner eating options and of course more luxury suites and accommodations for the rich and famous out there. I made it there twice, and more than likely I will not go again

  3. I guess it's the reason they make Vanilla and chocolate. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But in MY opinion, his best movie was "The Shootist". And his best quote..."I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. " Or, "The Searchers" and the quote that inspired a song. "That'll be the day!"

  4. I had the pleasure of a couple of drinks as the guest of a member at the club in Manhattan in early '63: BFD.
    The girls, sweaty under makeup that appeared to be at least an inch thick, busted their tails serving drinks with a smile in modified one-piece bathing suits that appeared to have a groin cup and pushup bras with fillers. Eh! .

  5. My credit card pays me to use it, so I build up a balance and pay it off every month. It's not like my money in the bank gets me anything.

  6. Stupid cartoon/comic by someone who can draw but not think.
    The gun violence everyone worries about isn't self inflicted like alcoholism and drinking whiskey.

    The analogy only makes sense if you are talking firearms suicides. And nothing suggests gun control would have any impact on that. There are too many ways to commit suicide if they are really determined.
