Tuesday, May 30, 2023

So, if you're stupid - but you're Hispanic or Asian - you should get in to college before the non-race (whatever the fuck they are) people? Wow...

Most respondents said in a new poll that colleges should be allowed to consider race in admissions decisions as the Supreme Court rules on affirmative action. The survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 63 percent said that the Supreme Court should not prevent colleges from considering race or ethnicity in admissions.

So much for a level playing field, I guess. Read the rest of this dribble here:

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  1. So those people that say "race doesn't matter" want race to matter?
    Must be democrats.

  2. Well, how nice that the "progressives" have progressed us right back to actual Jim Crow stuff. Hmmm, maybe a quadroon will get more perks than an octoroon. And Asians? Well, this whole movement seems to be to keep their numbers down in colleges. You know, a form of Chinese exclusion. Ah, progress!

  3. Guess the stupid kids have organized. These are the future ones with student loan debt that they can never pay back.

  4. When it comes to college admissions, Asians are discriminated against more than whites.


Telling the post to shut his piehole? Damn, I wish I coulda done that...

  The full article is here .