Monday, March 13, 2023

Reason No. 377 - Why the Oscars is a shit show...

Fuck 'political correctness'. I would most certainly have been hockin' lungers in to her head dress for the entire night. There's an absolute sense of entitlement, combined with a 'fuckyouidness' and self-importance in broads like this. My fuckin' brain would have exploded. And I'm not 'juss' sayin'...


  1. Kinda what I would expect.

  2. How about a sharpie to make some appropriate comments?

  3. Nothing a Bic lighter couldn't cure.

  4. I have now set another personal best by not watching the Oscars for 63 years in a row.

  5. She can't help herself. Her entire culture is based around 'Me.Me. Me. Look at me'.

  6. Mongo just pawn in game of life.


'Vote blue no matter who...'

Kamala got roasted last night at the Al Smith dinner in NYC, and for good reason. A Democrat presidential candidate should think of an all-c...