Monday, March 13, 2023

Wedding bells for the priests? Evidently, it's on the table. There's a new Pope in town...

I have to admit (as a completely 'failed catholic') that I have never understood why they were not allowed to marry. The whole 'boys club' mindset - including the fact that women can't join it - seems pretty 
fuckin' miopic to me, but hey - wudda I know. 

Who cares if they're married or not? Read the atricle here:
Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. I can see why you "failed." And I'm not even Catholic.

    1. I am not a Catholic, (Baptist, actually) but one of my really good College running buddies is a Catholic Priest now, and he tried his hardest to convert me. I basically got most of the Catechism classes, so I have a relatively fair understanding of the Denomination.

      My only observation would be that the Catholics believe that the purpose of having sexual relations is to engender children. Or it used to be that way, anyhow.

      I find it hard to figure out how having children and needing to support them squares with a Vow of Poverty.

  2. I think that every other religion allows priests, ministers, rabbis, etc.. to marry ( and most allow women to join the club, as well ) . They all seem to be doing just fine .
    BTW - I was raised Catholic but lapsed, as well !

  3. The Catholic church definitely has some messed up views on sex is sin. Why celibate old men are dictating the sexual practices of young married people is beyond me.

  4. The Catholics misread was Celebrate, not Celibate.....


A little tidbit from Playboy's past...