Thursday, February 23, 2023

How much would you pay for a chance to smack this guy?

After his little weekend romp on South Beach with his boyfriend, CCN dooshbag Don Lemon issued a fresh apology for his controversial comments about 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley just before he returned to air on CNN This Morning. “I appreciate the opportunity to be back on CNN This Morning today,” the host wrote on Twitter early Wednesday. 
“To my network, my colleagues and our incredible audience - I’m sorry. I’ve heard you, I’m learning from you, and I’m committed to doing better. See you soon.” You'll notice she isn't included in the twit from this twat.


  1. It's' how much I would pay to watch Nikki smack Lemon.

  2. There is a reason I have always referred to CNN as the Commie Nonsense Network.

  3. There have been many reasons over the years (Russiagate for example) I have always referred to CNN as the Commie Nonsense Network among other names I have for them such as, Cartoonish Non-News. This one is just the latest reason. They are the epitome of Operation Mockingbird in action. Simply pathetic in every way!


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