Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Saudis are pissed at Joe and they're happy to let us all know about it...

Saudi Arabia claimed the White House did in fact ask them to delay their oil production cut until after midterm elections as it hit back against claims the move was designed to aid Russia. Last week OPEC+ announced it would cut oil production by two million barrels per day, in a major blow to the Biden administration that for months had asked them to instead increase production. Production cuts are already jacking gas prices back up - $3.91 is the average cost per gallon as of Thursday. 
Russia, which relies on fuel exports to bankroll its invasion of Ukraine, is sure to benefit from the higher prices. On Wednesday State Department spokesman Ned Price refused to confirm reports the Biden administration had begged the Saudis to wait and to spare them the political consequences in next month's election.

This is a classic example of why I prefer reading foreign news sources rather than the MSM here. They just tell it like it is.
 Our media won't report on important stuff like this because it makes Biden look as bad as he is. They have an agenda that does not include giving us the real news.
Here's the full story:

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  1. just wait until these clowns really piss off the house of Saudi and they stop asking others to buy their oil in our
    near worthless dollars. once they do that, the dollar will be toast inside of a week.
    I remember a lecture about the dollar back in the late 1980's where it was stated that over 80% of all 100 dollar bills ever printed are overseas or outside the country. that might be the only reason why it has not turned to crap


I had a marvelous eleven days, and then I can home...

In all the time I was in Ireland, I saw, read or heard absolutely no news at all. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. It was blissfull...      I did ha...