Thursday, October 13, 2022

Are the people of Pennsylvania really this stupid?

This guy is a train wreck - he's even adopted Joe's 'Basement bunker' style of campaigning. He gave an interview the other day to an NBC reporter and had to require they use a teleprompter for him to respond because his hearing is still fucked up from the stroke he had in May, and when the reporter brought it up on NBC, Savannah Guthrie actually attacked her fellow reporter for commenting on the caption thing.
It's really unbelievable to me that this guy is actually a viable candidate. He's far to the left of Bernie Sanders ferfucksake. I don't need to list every fucked up idea and agenda the guy has, suffice to say he is more radical thatn almost any other candidate that has ever run for office - anywhere.
Here's a fairly good article that mentions him and his unwillingness to debate. Read it here if you want to:

Listen - Oz is no bargain. He's certainly a bright guy with a good conservative bent, so it's hard to believe this race is still as close as it is. If you're in Pennsyltucky, chime in on this. Wudda you guys think if this guy?


  1. We had a televised 'debate' here in Colorado between Senate candidates.
    The moron on the left of course had everything pre-recorded.
    I don't call that a LIVE debate, where you can edit out anything you want.

  2. Some of us are NOT, but yes indeed there are some here that are that f'n stoopid and it scares the living hell out of me

  3. There's no doubt in my mind that this asshole is going to win. For the last couple of weeks, there have been nothing but Pro-Democrat ads nonstop on TV and almost none from the Republicans. They allowed the election to be fixed for Biden and sat on their hands instead for trying to rectify the results. Country's doomed.

  4. he's as corrupt as his buddy shapiro ask anybody that actually lived in braddock when he was mayor

  5. the only place where I see signs for this asshole is where the biden/harris signs used to be back in 2020
    funny, you do not see ANY biden/harris signs anywhere anymore.
    but I did get some "I did that " stickers from the guy across the gas pump today !

  6. The conservative bent is yet to be demonstrated. He got stuck going right in order to beat out his primary opponent . At best another RINO. Word out his the Dems are getting ready to attack him on the support of using dogs for medical experiments. Add that Zillions of money are attacking Oz.. I say a 50-50 chance.

  7. Pennsylvania.....sounds so much like Transylvania...a bunch of blood sucking vampires?..I wonder where the similarity ends.....hell, they knew the presidential election was crooked and didn't do a goddamned thing about it....wouldn't surprise me at all to see these dumb asses vote in the communist....

  8. Fetterman is as dumb as he looks. Perfect companion to that idiot Bob Casey

    The R party foisted that asshole Oz on us, despite conservative Primary choices.

    Lose, lose situation.


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