Thursday, October 13, 2022

Find the common thread here...

I don't need to comment on this - I think you know what I mean. If you do comment, be cool or I won't be able to post it. Here's the story in the Post with a little video of the slapfest...


  1. The Amish are at it again...jeeeez

  2. Easy fix. Identify those involved in the melee , and permanently disqualify them from any and all public assistance. No S.N.A.P. cards no free housing . No more obamaphone Nothing! That way nobody has to go to prison. If Wal-Mart had any sense that store would be closed no more BS from the local thugs. And then when the race baiters ask why nobody will open a store within 20 miles of the shithole , just show 'em the video and ask them if they are willing to put up the cash to have a bunch of losers come in and wreck your investment.

  3. And they didn't even bother to put on their green uniform first. Shame on them.

  4. They even had the mist, this time.


A great view of where I could easily spend the rest of my life...

  This is the Gweebarra River valley in Donegal County, Ireland  where  my brother TJ and his wife Caroline have their 'wee cottage'...