Thursday, October 13, 2022

Cheating on an Algebra test is one thing...


Jacob Runyan and Chase Cominsky were charged with cheating, attempted grand theft, possessing criminal tools, and unlawful ownership of wild animals. The indictments come nearly two weeks after weights and fillets were allegedly found inside the duo's tournament-winning catch. The anglers had been competing in the Lake Erie Walleye Trail Championship. Suspicions were raised at the weigh-in when their fish weighed almost double their closest competitor. In the world of competitive fishing, by adding the weights to the fish, Cominsky and Runyan's total poundage increased and put them on top of the leaderboard. When the weights were discovered, the duo was disqualified from the event. The waiting crowd were furious once the officials announced they had cheated. The controversy proceeded to receive national attention, with a video of the aftermath of the incident going viral on social media.
The full story is here:


  1. BIG mistake. They should have required the use of Dominion scales, 'for equity'.

  2. See where cheating in politics leads?.....a couple of morons trying to be democrats....


It's not like you actually give a shit, but...

I'm back from my travels. More about that  and other nonsense in a little while...