Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Trying again to doze off? She won't help...


Here's a Buck just in case...


If you're looking for a unique gift item for the special lady in 
your life, maybe you should take a look at the jewelry my wife 
makes. Click on this picture to see this bracelet in her online store: 


Juss' so y'all know...

 Postings are gonna be a little sparse for the next coupla weeks.

Wherever she is and whatever she's doing these days, 
I hope life is treating her as she deserves...

I remember when they were a buck a piece...

 The price tag on the back of this little fucker? 
$ 35.00. GTFOH...

Reason No. 437 for why I love living in Florida...

He's trimming the palm tree. From a ladder he put up 
from the bed of his truck. I love this place.

Okay. Hissy fit is over. For now.

 I am going to be cutting back for a few weeks starting this weekend, but there's no reason for me not to at least try, right?
Here's a couple of Calvins to get us back up to speed.




While I'm still here, I might as well try
 and help my wife sell some jewelry.

Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 

What is the one law that supersedes every other law? And no, it's not the laws of gravity.

 The one law that trumps every other law in our world is the law of unintended consequences... 
Case in point? The tree-hugging envirojaggoffs in New jersey got the state legislature to ban not just plastic bags, but ALL BAGS from being used in stores in the State.
What the fuck did the expect? It's New Jersey for godsakes. Grocery store customers are walking off with those plastic hand baskets you find in the supermarket, an apparent consequence of New Jersey's plastic bag ban that went into effect this spring.
"They are just disappearing," said Louis Scaduto Jr., chief executive officer of Middletown-based Food Circus Super Markets, which owns four Super Foodtown stores in Monmouth County. "I may actually have to just do away with them soon, can't afford to keep replacing them," Scaduto wrote in a text message.

"We are aware of random reports that grocers are experiencing the loss of these hand baskets to varying degrees," said Linda Doherty, president and chief executive officer of the New Jersey Food Council, in a statement. "We view this as a short unintended consequence of the new state law."

It's not just happening at Super Foodtown. Stop & Shop in Long Branch didn't have any hand baskets during a recent visit. ShopRite in Freehold Township didn't have any either. "Like other retailers across the state, we have experienced theft of our handheld shopping baskets – an unintended consequence of the ban on plastic and paper bags," Stop & Shop said in a statement.
Customers were forced to bring their own bags to the store or buy a reusable one at the checkout line.
The New Jersey Food Council, the trade group representing the state's grocers, said customers "for the most part" were prepared for the ban on single-use bags and complied with the state's mandated ban.
Signs went up in stores reminding customers to bring their own bags or buy others. Other signs touched on another issue: the plastic hand baskets that customers can carry around the store to collect a few items for checkout.
"Hand baskets must remain inside the store at all times," read one sign at Stop & Shop in Middletown. "Thank you."



DJT: "Quick - where's the best place to hide some papers? Oh, you're so good Melania - of course - the desk. No one will EVER think to look there..."
The Justice Department believed that classified documents held unlawfully at Mar-a-Lago were being moved around and hidden, despite assurances from Donald Trump's lawyers that they were all kept together in a padlocked storage room. 
In a bombshell 36-page court filing on Tuesday, the Justice Department said it had uncovered efforts to obstruct its investigation. The filing said that 'government records were likely concealed and removed' from a storage room at the property. 
The department says Trump's lawyers told them in June that all the records that had come from the White House were stored in one location - a Mar-a-Lago storage room. Pictured left, Trump’s personnel items being moved from the White House in January 2021. Trump's lawyers said 'there were no other records stored in any private office space or other location at the Premises and that all available boxes were searched.' The Justice Department said that was not true.

Can you get a mental picture of the fact that these are the 'grown-ups' we heard so much about when we were kids? They really do have to believe that we are all fuckin'  morons - there's no other way to explain this childish bullshit away. Juss' sayin'...

In 1950, Sophia Loren was just fifteen-year-old when she stood in line with the other young girls hoping to win the glittering prize of Miss Italy in Rome.





The number of open jobs in the United States rose in July after three months of declines, a sign that employers are still urgently seeking workers despite a weakening economy and high inflation.There were 11.2million open jobs available on the last day of July - nearly two jobs, on average, for every unemployed person - up from 11million in June. June's figure was also revised sharply higher. 
The increase that the government reported Tuesday will be a disappointment for Federal Reserve officials, who are seeking to cool hiring and the economy by raising short-term interest rates to try to slow borrowing and spending, which tend to fuel inflation. 
Fed officials hope that their policies will serve primarily to reduce job openings and spare workers the pain of widespread layoffs and higher unemployment.
'The Fed has made very little progress in terms of narrowing the gap between labor supply and demand,' Aneta Markowska, chief economist at investment bank Jefferies, wrote in a research note.
They tell us that the unemployment rate is the lowest in years, but the better meter of how weak the economy is are the worker-participation numbers. So many people have given up on working, or gone underground, that any unemployment number you see or hear is going to be wildly skewed. That's the only explanation that works with this un-filled jobs bullshit.


Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


Yeah, okay - nice butt, but about six levels of stupid...

What happened to all of the normal beach umbrellas that we had when we were kids? There might be a total of ten of them in this pic. WTF?

Hey - if it works, why not, right?



When they move do they leave their politics and old culture behind? Of course they don't.

 Influx of Californians to Texas is credited with driving In N' Out burger visits up by 24% in three years: 11% of Lone Star State newcomers are from Golden State... 
The other 89% walked across the Rio Grande...
When Californians relocate to Texas it's not the chicken-fried steak or the barbecued beef briquet that they crave.
As more Golden State warriors head east, fleeing the high prices and crime of the state's urban centers for the wide open spaces and sprawling suburbs of the Lone Star State they keep their taste for In-N-Out, and the trend is driving sales of the fast-food chain through the red roof.
Despite California Governor Gavin Newsom's campaign to staunch the flow of population to Governor Greg Abbott, more than 1 in 10 new Texans come from Los Angeles, San Francisco or any number of California locales.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

We haven't forgotten you, Nicci...


Need a Buck tonight? I got that...


Will the south rise agin? Something's gonna happen if this shit keeps up.

 To misquote Rhett Butler, 'Frankly, my dear, 
I don't give a flying fuck'... 

Over 40 percent of Americans believe the country is headed toward civil war within the next 10 years, while nearly everyone believes political divisions have gotten worse since the start of 2021. 
Forty-three percent of adults overall believe the nation will fight a civil war within the next 10 years and 35 percent believe civil war is not very likely or not at all likely, while 22 percent responded 'not sure,' according to a new Economist-YouGov poll.
Self-identified 'strong Republicans' were the most likely to believe the nation is headed toward bloody strife - 21 percent believe civil war is 'very likely' within the next 10 years, while 33 percent believe it is somewhat likely. 


I don't even know how she could do this this often...

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - A Pinellas County woman is in trouble for her repeated phone calls to police. Investigators at the St. Petersburg Police Department said she has called at least 12,000 times so far, just this year. According to officials, they have tried everything to get her to stop, but the phone keeps ringing.
Every call that comes into the police department communications center is answered. Workers picking up the phones handle hundreds of emergencies and requests for help every day.
"They're talking to people who are scared, who are on the worst day of their life because they need police," said Spokesperson Yolanda Fernandez. "And on top of that, they have to deal with somebody who's just calling to harass them." Officials said one repeat caller has been holding up the lines. Dialing-in so often, call takers in the center have pause when her number flashes on the screen.
"She doesn't call to ask for any police services. She calls to harass, to cuss and just degrade the call takers, "Fernandez said.
Carla Jefferson has been arrested twice for the non-stop, harassing phone calls. The first time was at the end of June, and last Monday the 51-year-old was picked up again.
"This is not just somebody who's called police a few times or, you know, abusing the system a little bit. This is someone who is this is just way beyond, we have not had anyone who crossed the line like this," said Fernandez.
According to police, over the last eight months, Jefferson has called at least 12,512 times, accounting for about 10% of all the calls coming into the department’s non-emergency number.
Some days she dials in repeatedly. In early July, court documents said Jefferson called 512 times over 24 hours. That was more than half the total calls the agency received that day. 
Investigators said Jefferson is abusing a phone number, and creating a serious situation.
"We're kind of at a situation now where her calls are interfering with our ability to respond to regular residents who need police response," Fernandez said.


I love my job too, but not this much...

HIGHLANDS COUNTY, Fla. – A Florida wildlife director had his arm amputated earlier this month after a routine interaction with one of his park’s large alligators in Highlands County.
Greg Graziani, who runs Florida Gator Gardens in Venus, Florida, and has been working with reptiles since the age of 7, received a partial amputation on his left arm on Aug. 17, before eventually losing the whole body part, the wildlife park and breeding facility said.
“The accident was an extreme injury that left Greg’s hand connected by one tendon. A tendon and some muscle that the surgeon had to untwist 6 times during the initial surgery,” according to the post.
Despite Graziani’s good health otherwise, which gave doctors hope they might be able to save the arm, “it was clear that the hand was simply not able to recover as crushing injuries and avulsions are the hardest injuries to reattach and we had all of it,” park officials said.
Florida Gator Gardens emphasized working with animals always poses a risk, adding the alligator involved in the incident was uninjured and continues to stay at the wildlife park.

If you're looking for a unique gift item for the special 
lady in your life, maybe you should take a look at 
the jewelry my wife makes. 

Click on this picture to see this bracelet in her online store.

Here's a Dean you haven't seen...

Cool yer jets - Calvin's here...


Do you feel smarter knowing there's so many fuckin' idiots out there? I do, but this one item hurts my head...

Cows now symbolise something else beside a good burger or T-bone. 
Forget that glass of milk. They represent a climate crisis.
Instead of cutting emissions, Ireland has continued increasing them and the biggest contributor is agriculture. Ireland’s 135,000 farms produce 37.5% of national emissions, the highest proportion in the European Union, and most of that comes from methane associated with belching by ruminant animals.
Under a new government plan, agriculture must reduce emissions by 25% by 2030. Other sectors face even higher targets – transport must reduce emissions by 50%, commercial and public buildings by 40% – but the loudest protests have come from farmers.
Cutting emissions by a quarter will drive many farms into bankruptcy and could force the culling of hundreds of thousands of cows, they say. “The mood is hugely frustrated,” said Pat McCormack, head of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association. “It’s very hard to quantify but there will be increased costs and reduced output.”
Read this full article about this here:

Still 'trust the science'? If you do, don't trust the scientists, at the very least...

Scientists should commit acts of civil disobedience to show the public how seriously they regard the threat posed by the climate crisis, a group of leading scientists has argued.
“Civil disobedience by scientists has the potential to cut through the myriad complexities and confusion surrounding the climate crisis,” the researchers wrote in an article, published in the scientific journal 'Nature Climate Change' on Monday. 

Again I ask - has anyone here ever heard of this so-called 'science journal' or do they just make this shit up?
A “scientists rebellion” mobilized more than 1,000 scientists in 25 countries in April, while in the UK a number of scientists were arrested for gluing scientific papers – and their hands – on to the glass facade of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
I feel smarter every time I see supposedly 'intelligent' people 
doing stupid shit like this. Juss' sayin'...

The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...