Tuesday, August 30, 2022

I love my job too, but not this much...

HIGHLANDS COUNTY, Fla. – A Florida wildlife director had his arm amputated earlier this month after a routine interaction with one of his park’s large alligators in Highlands County.
Greg Graziani, who runs Florida Gator Gardens in Venus, Florida, and has been working with reptiles since the age of 7, received a partial amputation on his left arm on Aug. 17, before eventually losing the whole body part, the wildlife park and breeding facility said.
“The accident was an extreme injury that left Greg’s hand connected by one tendon. A tendon and some muscle that the surgeon had to untwist 6 times during the initial surgery,” according to the post.
Despite Graziani’s good health otherwise, which gave doctors hope they might be able to save the arm, “it was clear that the hand was simply not able to recover as crushing injuries and avulsions are the hardest injuries to reattach and we had all of it,” park officials said.
Florida Gator Gardens emphasized working with animals always poses a risk, adding the alligator involved in the incident was uninjured and continues to stay at the wildlife park.

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