Saturday, January 1, 2022

Okay. It's the New Year - it's 2022. Deja Vu all over again...

 Do you feel different waking up today than you did yesterday? Is your New Year world filled with hope and promise?
Mine isn't any more today than yesterday. Woke up in the same bed in the same room in the same house. Feel so good this is a repost from another New Years Day...




In case you mighta forgot what a despicable piece of shit this broad is...



I'm thinkin' the cat's done that before...

My 2022 New Year's Resolution.



Have you ever seen Lana, Natalie Wood's Sister? 
Among other things, she was a Bond Girl...

Nora Charles. What a major babe.

Need a simple gift idea for 
a special lady in your life?
Click on the picture for more information 
on this stunning bracelet my wife made.

Even Vincent is confused...







And Shep's as confused as Vincent...


Cy'all later...




  1. Don't feel different, but for us the weather alert went off right at midnight with a tornado warning followed by more warnings every 3-4 hours with flash flooding, or severe thunderstorms. Hopefully not a harbinger of things to come.

    1. I lived in OKC and suburbs of back in the 70's - serious tornado territory. Fuck that. Good luck bro.

  2. Plenty O’Toole… way hotter than her sister.


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...