Sunday, January 2, 2022

It's important to keep track of things - but not always...

My father was a chronicler. If he bought anything of importance, he'd grab a marker and write the store name, date and price on the back of it... 

My father's two favorite deer hunting knives - one a buck the other a dagger.. The one on top is marked 'Camille (his mother) - Christmas 1956'. Both with real antler handles.

We passed the 5,000,000 page views mark yesterday. 
What a great way to bring in the new year.
 Thank you all for your interest!





Me and him got something in common? GTFOH...

Hey - I haven't watched his show in ten years and I probably rarely - if ever - give a fuck what he has to say, but THIS is definitely worth watching. 
The fuckin' guy is absolutely on the money on a couple of subjects. And if you tell anybody I agreed with this guy, I will kick yer ass. Juss' sayin'...

It's today's snake oil, but it's funny. I bet I know ten people at least that swear by this shit for aches and pains and for helping them sleep. Placebo effect maybe? Who gives a shit if it works. I prefer to stay with the THC-based remedies myself, if ya get my drift...

Sadly, that may very well be the case for New Jersey’s K-12 students. Schools are going remote. Activities are being cancelled. And for children who aren’t vaccinated, the governor that their friends’ parents (narrowly) reelected is pushing to exclude them from extracurricular activities.



It's worth pointing out that The Villages encompasses three separate counties.

Retirees continue to 'seek their dream homes' in The Villages in large numbers. Sumter County, because of the growth of The Villages, ranks sixth in the nation and No. 1 in Florida in new home construction for the decade 2010-20, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The number of homes in Sumter grew during the 10-year period from about 53,000 to about 75,300, an increase of 42%.

What woman wouldn't love and appreciate 
a gift like something as nice as this?
Click on the picture for information on this item.
What are you waiting for - Valentines Day is in only 43 more days!


When all of these showbiz asswipes said
 they wouldn't perform for Trump.


I'm am not a conspiracy nut or anything close to one, 
but I do believe that every single number you've heard 
relative to this covid shit has been bogus. 
Every statistic. Every one complete bullshit. 
But we have no way of knowing anything...

These were pretty cool little cars. Too bad they tended to 
go a little 'airborne' when they got up to speed...


Meanwhile, out west...


Yeah, but people that voted for Biden and people 
who think AOC is correct are just fine with you sir? 
People that believe all this global warming 
bullshit is legit are okay with you?
Is that the case ya fuckin' moron?



Need a simple gift idea for 
a special lady in your life?
Click on the picture for more information 
on this stunning bracelet my wife made.






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They certainly would have ever taken Joe this seriously...

I'm trying to conjure a mental image of gigantic dumptrucks backing up to the Rio Grande and just dumping shitloads of wetbacks (that is...