Saturday, December 26, 2020

Drinking to Celebrate Boxing Day or playing beer pong? You should be doing one - or both.

 It's not like you really need a reason to drink, but Boxing Day celebrations are about as good a reason as any other I guess... 

And what exactly IS Boxing Day?

Boxing Day, which always falls on December 26, is observed as an official public holiday in the UK and many European countries, as well as in former British colonies such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, among others. America has decided that, much like the metric system and extra U's in certain words, we will not embrace this particular tradition. When Boxing Day falls on a weekend, countries that observe it designate the subsequent Monday as a holiday.

Origin stories of the holiday are mixed: Some say the name comes from the British aristocracy's habit of presenting their servants with gifts on the day after Christmas, once their own celebration was over and lowly employees could finally get some time off. Another popular suggestion is that it arose from the tradition of making charitable donations during the Christmas season, wherein people would give boxes of food and other supplies to the less fortunate and churches would set out donation boxes to collect for the poor.

It has nothing at all to do with fisticuffs. Juss' sayin'... 

They get dressed in silly costumes in England to celebrate it. You don't have to.


Jus' so ya know - she's a Brit... 

And who in their right minds goes fox hunting without getting hammered before, during and after the hunt, right?

They also have a bunch of silly costume races and stuff.  

Boxing Day is when the Brits show their eccentricity by taking part in all kinds of bizarre traditions including swimming the icy cold English Channel, or legging it into the sea, fun runs and charity events. No idea why - maybe they're in a hurry to get to the pubs... 

The family Boxing Day portrait I guess...




Eat before you start drinking: food in your stomach - especially carbs and starch such as pasta and bananas - slows down the absorption of alcohol into your blood.

Don't drink dark liquors such as red wine, brandy or whiskey, which have higher concentrations of congeners, chemicals that are toxic to the body. 

Eat fatty foods: alcohol causes blood sugar to fall, which tricks your body into thinking it needs calories. We crave fatty foods as they are the most concentrated form of energy, but they don't make us feel better.

Don't mix drinks, because you will only end up drinking more. 

Eat before bedtime: this will not absorb all the booze. 

Hair-of-the-dog: there's no evidence that having another alcoholic drink in the morning reduces the symptoms of a hangover. More likely, it is just a temporary effect that postpones the effects of a hangover. 

Eggs may have a beneficial effect on reducing the effects of a hangover because they contain an amino acid called cysteine which breaks down the toxin acetaldehyde, produced by too much alcohol consumption. 

Get some fresh air: Walk home with friends as exercise helps increases the metabolism of alcohol.

Avoid eating spicy foods - such as a curry or kebab - after drinking as they may upset your stomach. 

Take an Asprin while you drink: this will not lessen the headache - though taking one the next day, about an hour before you need to be functional, should help. 

Drink water the morning after: this will not help flush out the alcohol. It will of course help, but it is much more important to drink water while you are actually drinking alcohol. 

Follow every drink with a glass of water to keep yourself hydrated, and drink plenty of water before you go to bed. 

If you overindulge at a party, avoid alcohol for 48 hours afterwards

Vitamin B is your friend. Eat a bowl of cereal and milk, topped with a banana to replenish lost potassium, or a gentle pro-biotic drink. 

Mixing drinks does not affect your hangover directly, it is just that if you are mixing spirits, wine, shots and beer you will be drinking more than if you stick to one type

Some of 'em get carried away. Literally and figuratively...


Here in America, if we were to celebrate this day properly, we'd probably rename it BeerPonging Day.

All in favor say YessireeBob...








No matter what you may be looking for, you can click on any Amazon link - any posted item you see featured here on the blog (even the banner above) to get to Amazon. 




And we have a winner...







A great pair of jeans for under $ 15.00 bucks?
I wouldn't lie to you.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price. See for yourself here - there's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from:








Wife or girlfriend let down a little by your choice of gifts this year? There's an easy way to make up for that...

If you have not yet seen my wife's jewelry, it's available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! Every piece is unique and each one is 
completely hand-made by her. 

See some examples for yourself here:

I want to take a minute and thank all of my friends/readers here that have taken the time to look at Barbara's Jewelry and bought pieces for their 'special someones'. It's a big deal to me - I really appreciate it.



  1. When I think about it, I believe that I would rather pick Betty White than any of the others. Who knows? We might actually want to talk to each other at some point and I bet she is the pick of the crop.


Last one for the night's from Playboy...