Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Wuddya gonna do when the well runs dry?

If people believed everything they see and hear these days, heads would be spinning off shoulders like pop tops... 



C'mon man - that's funny man...

Gov. Phil Murphy of NJ, who announced steps on Monday to open up indoor dining and movie theaters, also increased the capacity limits for indoor gatherings for religious services and celebrations, weddings, funerals, memorial services, and political activities beginning this Friday.

This guy will go down in the books as the single worst 
goobernator in the history of fuckup hackjobs.


It true as Pete says - EVERYTHING  is relative. 

Pretty famous little bear that kid has...

She's no youngster this one...

Ya see what I mean about perspective?
 All different headlines on the same relative subject.

Just try and find a simple TV dinner like this anymore. It's almost impossible, and if ya do find it, it'll taste like cat shit. And try finding just a bag or a box of just fried chicken - the shit evidently doesn't exist anymore. I've been searching forever for this 'Honey-dipped Fried Chicken' that we had as kids. Ain't happenenin'

This is the Mona Lisa when it was being returned to the Louvre from it's top secret hiding place after WWII. Here's a perspective for ya: It was vitally important to hide artwork and other valuable artifacts, but the question wasn't about preservation of the art. 

It was to prevent it from being looted or stolen.

Politicians are VERY concerned 
about your well-being, you know...

Second Stimulus: Trump Willing To ‘Sign Something At $1.3 Trillion,’ Says the White House Chief Of Staff, but... 

Pelosi says: “We Are Not Budging” On Size Of Stimulus Package—$2.2 Trillion Or Nothing

If you fell over dead right in front of them, 
they'd trip over your body.



Portland police declare riot only after protesters marched on Mayor Ted Wheeler's residence and burning debris thrown was into the building.

Portland Police declared a riot on Monday after roughly hundreds of protesters marched on Mayor Ted Wheeler's residence at a condominium tower to demand his resignation, according to reports.

But somehow it's all Trump's fault, even though he's been begging them to ask him for federal help to quiet shit down. These people are batshit fuckin' loonies.

Ya know that Gullibility Test machine you put a dollar into? Well, this was at a Dollar General store and it's the best test anyone could ever take.

Far more Americans moved to Vermont, Idaho, Oregon and South Carolina than those who left since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, new data published by Bloomberg shows. 

However, the opposite can be said for New York and New Jersey, with each seeing a large proportion of residents relocate to Florida, Texas and other Sunbelt states since March. As the month of August came to a close Monday, bringing with it another moving-deadline for tenants all over the country, statistics point towards a sharp uptick in US mobility. While relocations last year reached an all-time low, said 2020 has seen a staggering increase in mobility across state lines.

Inside the tombs in the Valley of the King’s in Egypt.
Going out in style was kinda important I guess...

HUH? Did I read that correctly?

New video has emerged providing details from the first person-to-person meeting between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. After four such meetings, the score was tied 2-2.



Never been a big fan of Marilyn Monroe. I never understood what it was that was so appealing to so many people. She was a bit of a fuckin' ditz if ya ask me. If ya caught her on a good day she mighta been a little vigorous in the sack, but I'll bet she didn't have many good days, either. Juss' sayin'...


This just in from the "YA CAN'T 
MAKE THIS SHIT UP" Department:

A well-known Abraham Lincoln impersonator from Illinois is behind bars for allegedly possessing a child pornography video and patronizing a prostitute. George Buss, 63 — who spent decades portraying the nation’s 16th president at public events around Freeport and across the country — was arrested at his home on Friday as the result of a six-month long investigation, the Rockford Register Star reported.
The arrest came a day before Buss was set to take part in an annual reenactment of the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debate in Freeport.
This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:

I really like this guy - he has a great sense of humor, he's relatively modest, he's forthright and he's a true patriot...

In the love story no one — not even the couple — saw coming, Kid Rock, 49, and Loretta Lynn, 88, wed over the weekend. The exchange of “I do” was reportedly in jest, making the marriage no less bizarre. It all started at the vow renewal of the “Coal Miner’s Daughter” legend’s son, Ernest Lynn, with his wife, Crystal.
“It was beautiful and everything it should be,” Lynn wrote on Instagram. “Marriage isn’t always easy — heck it’s not even always pretty, but love holds you together and you push through the bad days to enjoy the good ones. I’m so proud of them and wish them years of happiness.”
However, the nuptials took a twist when the kid, whose given name is Robert James Ritchie, appeared at the ceremony. “Things got crazy then and we’ve always teased about getting ourselves married. Well, the preacher was already there so we had some fun with it. Sorry girls, he’s taken now!”


Don't know if this is legit or not, 
but who knew they had those fancy buses?


What exactly the fuck is goin' on with this guy's eyes - is he goin' gookish or something? (asking for a friend)


There's this museum in Japan that showcases various uniquely shaped naturally formed rocks with faces on them. 
Seriously. No bullshit.

This is a compelling - and frightening - scenario for all social media. It'll  be interesting to watch the fallout from this.


Wait and see what the NFL has in store for you this season. 
It's fuckin' ludicrous. 

I haven't watched football for ten years and I will never ever give a flying rat's ass fuck about it ever again. If the whole thing went away, I'd be a-oh-fuckin'-k with that. Fuck them overpaid dooshbags.

This fuckin' dooshbag. I'm runnin' outta words 
to describe this fuckin' peesashit.



The amount of advertisements that were stapled onto this pole over the years, right? You hadda have a pole like this in yer neighborhood growing up. Ya hadda.

She wore a yellow ribbon.
May well be one of the best horse operas ever made. 
John Ford's crowning glory, if ya ask me.








  1. All that movement to the great outdoors prompted by taxes, lockdowns, riots, and general dictatorship is a diaspora that will cost the Demos dearly. Take away their big cities and they have no base. Thewy were powerful because all manner of Lefties were crammed together in big blocs. Now they're being spearated into small enclaves. They're gonna pay dearly a lot sooner than expected

    And the Pharaoh was going up to be a god when he died, so, yeah, he got a big sendoff.

    As for Marilyn, you're too young. She was the epitome because she did it first. Everybody who came after (including Sophia and Luiza) walks in her shoes.

  2. I hate to disagree but she wasn't the first - certainly Mae West was before her, and I'll take the 'too young' as a compliment thank you very much kind sir...


You were paying for Hunter's bodygiards. Did you know that?

Biden had a daughter named Ashley?  When were we gonna hear about her? I gotta believe that is a couple dozen very happy agents. Who'd w...