Tuesday, March 18, 2025

You were paying for Hunter's bodygiards. Did you know that?

Biden had a daughter named Ashley? When were we gonna hear about her? I gotta believe that is a couple dozen very happy agents. Who'd want to follow that coke head around all day every day?


I don't know, man - they do look pretty friggin' bogus to me, don't they? So if Trump can figure out who was actaully auto-penning these pardons, somebody's gonna end up in the slam, and I hope to fuck it's Fauci, that weaselly little prick...


Director Ron Howard - Opie - said in 2020 Trump is 'a self-serving, dishonest, morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn't care about anything or anyone but his fame and bank account.'

We need to remember the people who say shit like this.

And they wonder why their crime numbers in New York are through the roof. I read a while back that the reason they don't prosecute most felonies is because they don't want to fill the jails - it costs too much to house and feed convicted felons. How fuckin' sick is that kinda thinking? 



It's fascinating to watch all of these libs melt down over Musk's involvement in DOGE with Trump. They bought these things to make a personal statement that they were earth-loving tree-huggers, and now they're selling them and presumably going back to gas-operated vehicles to protest against a guy who's only mission within government is to save them money. Mark Twain couldn'ta crafted a crazier story...




My wife's friend was at the house and when Babs went in to the cabinet to get some green tea bags or some shit, her friend scoped our 'sketties' stash and said to Babs - "Didjuz leave any in the store? What the fuck..." 
She has a coupla really funny friends.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
 Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!




  1. Ronzoni pasta BOGOs at Publix are a great time to stock up.

  2. You haven't heard of Ashley Biden? She's the daughter he showered with while she was a teenager. His sexual abuse is probably what screwed her up mentally and turned her into a drug addict. A drug addict who wrote about what her father did to her, in her diary. The diary that she left behind in the treatment center she spent time in.

  3. How could you not know about Biden's daughter Ashley. She is the one who wrote in her diary about her dad having inappropriate showers with her when she was a child.

  4. You really didn't know Biden had a daughter names Ashley, after all the kerfuffle about her diary, in which she says she took "inappropriate" showers with her dad at an early age?

  5. Look up Ashley Biden's diary...
    "The French are not speaking German", I love it!

  6. Never heard of Ashley Bidens diary where she said she took showers with Joe? Were you being facetious? Can't tell.

  7. There's a whole list of actors I've got that I never watch. And I trashed all their dvds.

  8. It's so bad in NY they're not even going to deport the sick scum who set a woman on fire in the subway> Deport? He should be set on fire as an example. Raise the bar for prosecutors except for Daniel Penney.

  9. Karoline Leavitt has proven to be equal to McEnany. Smart, quick and strong.

  10. Are you sure that's not a tranny jumping into bed? I question women's gender all the time now because so many look like men.


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...