Friday, August 21, 2020

Wuddya gonna do all alone on a Friday night? I'll tell ya...

Probably the same thing I'm doing - nothing...


  1. I had already considered the overhead run rack and dismissed it as a bad idea. The only way it would work is to have a retracting cover and since security is the object it would have to be a fast retract. Otherwise, every shitbird in his low rider would see. Every Karen in her mininvan would see.

  2. run rack...I like that. But you know what i meant.

  3. I first saw one in a jacked-up F-250 in a bar parking lot here in Marion County.

    It's intimidating. That's why I picked up on it.


It may not be winter anymore, but it's still a great idea...

...     Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informat...