Friday, August 21, 2020

Wuddya gonna do all alone on a Friday night? I'll tell ya...

Probably the same thing I'm doing - nothing...


  1. I had already considered the overhead run rack and dismissed it as a bad idea. The only way it would work is to have a retracting cover and since security is the object it would have to be a fast retract. Otherwise, every shitbird in his low rider would see. Every Karen in her mininvan would see.

  2. run rack...I like that. But you know what i meant.

  3. I first saw one in a jacked-up F-250 in a bar parking lot here in Marion County.

    It's intimidating. That's why I picked up on it.


And then ya got this smug little bitch...

  This little primaDonna is getting her comeuppances in spades.  It's frightening to think this arrogant little piece of shit has a voic...