Thursday, June 18, 2020

Change is inevitable and all that but this is ridiculous

The list of things they can and will fuck with is just too long for me to grasp... 



Atlanta's police department revealed an unusual number of officers working the late shift had called out sick. The mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, left, insisted the city would be fine overnight while the police tweeted, inset, that there had not been a massive walkout from several police precincts throughout the city. Twitter users said they were hearing radio silence in several areas of the city

Did they think there wouldn't be a backlash at some point? These fuckin' politicians have been pissin' on cops for years. We'll see what happens when they finally get sick of this shit and just stand down for a coupla weeks. Maybe THEN these ass holes will shut the fuck up.


Judge dismisses claims of two men who claimed to be descendants of the woman who portrayed beloved syrup figurehead 

Pepsi and Quaker Oats escaped a potentially sticky legal situation not too long ago. The two companies have been granted a dismissal in a lawsuit brought against them by two men claiming to be the great-grandsons of Anna Short Harrington, who portrayed syrup and pancake figurehead Aunt Jemima.

Dannez W. Hunter and Larnell Evans, Jr. filed suit against PepsiCo, the Quaker Oats Company and others in August, claiming that the defendants had failed to pay royalties to Harrington’s estate and stole Harrington’s pancake formula in an act of “industrial espionage.”The pair had sought a total of $3 billion, with $1 billion of that in equity stocks.

But an order handed down by U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang Wednesday in Chicago flattened those claims like a pancake. Chang granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, which contended that Hunter and Evans had failed to state a claim.

And this is a little girl with her pet owls. That's all.

I do not and will not condone this kind of behavior 
in any way, shape or form, BUT...

Police break up a fist fight between a protester and counter protester Monday. A Black Lives Matter protest of around 80 people in tiny Bethel, Ohio, a town home to just 13 black residents. The BLM 'protest' was overrun by 700 white counterprotesters armed with rifles, handguns and baseball bats.

I say, unequivocally, that 
it's about fuckin time. 


My neighbor two doors away got these a coupla weeks ago. They look really slick along the front walk, and ya just pop 'em out when yer gonna mow the lawn...

Mine will be here in a few days.
Get some for yourself here:


Whitmer to extend Michigan's state of emergency amid 
another coronavirus freak-out.  

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Wednesday she will extend the state’s coronavirus state of emergency, which was set to expire Friday. 

If ya don't think some of these Gubernators aren't power crazy, go back into your little worm hole and stay there.




I like this guy - he's pretty sharp.



MLB, MLBPA supposedly closer to a deal for 2020 season after a new proposal, Rob Manfred-Tony Clark meeting.

There appears to be forward momentum in the 2020 season talks

Some details have started to leak out through media reports. Here are the key takeaways: Manfred and Clark met face-to-face in Phoenix at Manfred's request.
Owners have reportedly made a new proposal to the players pursuant to that meeting. In that new proposal owners have reportedly agreed to pay players their prorated salaries, which had been a major sticking point. 
Players may have agreed to not file any grievance against MLB, which had been a major sticking point for the other side. 

The proposal also reportedly includes an expansion of the playoffs from 10 teams to 16 teams for 2020 and 2021.

MLBPA has stated that no agreement has yet been reached. 

After what seemed to be an intractable standoff, Manfred and Clark had a productive face-to-face meeting. 

I believe it when I see it. And maybe not even then.

Need to replace the fire alarms in the house? Ya probably do. Here's a damn good deal on 'em - much cheaper than at Lowes or Home Depot, that's for sure.
Anyway, if you right-click on this banner, the info will open in a new window for ya.


Maybe they could change it to 
'The talentless pieces of shit Chicks'.

Winston Churchill was a fascinating but complicated man. He's pictured here with a black dog in 1955 after he had retired from politics. This photo of him and the black dog is a very clever setup.

He actually admitted to having been a manic depressive throughout his career, and the dog in the photo is symbolic - he had referred to his nearly life-long depressions as 'this black dog that follows me around wherever I go...'


I wonder what happened that this guy turned. 
I usta like the guy.


"Better safe than sorry" never made 
better sense then right now.
This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available here:



Ford's Mustang Mach 1 is back, with even more power

Ford is bringing back one of the company's performance car icons, the Mustang Mach 1. The new limited edition Mach 1 will be powered by a version of the Mustang GT's 5.0-liter V8 engine and will produce an expected 480 horsepower. 

As with the original 250 horsepower Mach 1, introduced in 1969, this new car is designed to fill the gap between the standard Mustang and the much more extreme Shelby Mustangs. 

Power numbers have increased a lot in the intervening decades. Today's Shelby GT500, for example, produces 760 horsepower. The last Mustang Mach 1, a 2004 model, had a 305 horsepower V8.

I've always like this car. I had one back in the early 70's. What a great chick-magnet it was.



Know who Tom Langston Jr. is? Me neither.
But I like what he had to say...

I’m sick of covid-19. I’m sick of black vs. white. I’m sick of Democrats vs. Republicans. I’m sick of gay vs. straight. I’m sick of Christians vs atheists. I’m REALLY sick of the media. I’m sick of no one being allowed to think what they want & feel what they do without offending someone. I am sick of the nosey ass people who call the cops when anyone does anything they don’t approve of. I am sick of blaming the whole world for the sins of a few.

We’re one race—the human race. You want to support President Trump? Good for you. It’s your choice. You want to support Biden? Fine... also your choice! You want to believe in God? Okay, believe in God. You want to believe in magical creatures that fly around & sprinkle fairy dust to make life better? Awesome... you do you.

BUT stop thrusting your beliefs on others & not being able to deal with the fact that they don’t have the same exact mind-set as you. Having our own minds is what makes us all individual and beautiful. If you can’t handle the fact that you may have a friend that has opposing views as you, then you are not any better than the bigots and the racists. 




Good. Rot in jail ya fuckin' jerkoff.


Natalie Wood in rehearsal for 'West Side Story'. 
Man, that was my kinda woman.

Gran'pa fucked up just a little. 
Maybe on purpose...

The single best knife sharpener 
you'll ever use. Period.

You can get it in a 2-pack for more savings 
and give one to a friend. 

Click on this link:



C'mon dude - it's only money...

Nebraska college student, 20, commits suicide after 'glitch' on online trading platform Robinhood showed a negative $730,000 cash balance in his account

Alexander E. Kearns, 20, died on Friday after apparently hurling himself in front of an oncoming freight train in his home town of Naperville, Illinois. Kearns, a University of Nebraska student who was home on break, left a heartbreaking suicide note, part of which was published online by his cousin-in-law Bill Brewster. 

'How was a 20 year old with no income able to get assigned almost a million dollar's worth of leverage?' the note reads. 'F**k Robinhood.'


The funniest (and most fucked-up) thing about this is that the chick probably thinks it's pretty cool, and no matter what, she'll probably sell the shit outta this. It is a truly ridiculous world we live in. Word of the day? 'Vacuous'.


Ireland's ancient kings married their sisters and fathered inbred children to maintain dynastic bloodlines, analysis of 5,000-year-old genomes found in Newgrange passage tomb reveals.


It's legit. It's a REAL cover from the comic book.

Catania is an ancient port city on the east coast of Sicily, situated at the foot of Mt. Etna. It's on my bucket list.  

With my luck I'll go over and the fuckin' volcano will blow the day I get there.


A copywriter came up with this ad and maybe 6 or 7 people (from the Art Director all the way to the client) had to agree it's a good idea for an ad. See? Fucked up ideas aren't something brand new - they been around for a while...

This is a serious carry case 
for serious shooters!

Take a look:

Just a personal note - I try to respond whenever I can to your comments. I welcome almost any and all. Sometimes I fall behind and if I do miss something, I apologize in advance. 


  1. Great set today (as always)

    -- quickly read over the fire starter post. Then had to research thinking she had a custom made t-shirt that set the cars on fire.

    I need to be more awake

    -- On the Tiperillo ad ... you'da thunk at least one of those ad people woulda watched Mike Nelson in Sea Hunt and know that the mask pushed up their mask up on their forward was the signal that she was distressed and needed immediate attention

  2. When nobody buys the new & improved, they'l;l very quietly go back to the old a year from now.


What's cool and what isn't, Calvin?