Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Situation normal - all fukt up. Let's drink heavily. With babes.

And drinking songs. Why not... 



Don't forget about this - pass it on on Facebook, Instagram or 
Twitter - whatever 'Social Media' floats yer boat. Thanks!










It's after Memorial Day weekend and almost 
June and you don't have yer flag up yet? 
WTF are you waiting for, bud?

Get two of 'em real cheap right now here:






Depending on where you live,  especially if 
it's in a 'Blue State' these might be 
necessary for the next coupla months.  

 There's gonna be a whole lotta places you won't be able to go to for a long fuckin' time  without wearing a mask. You can get these masks super fast - they're in stock and ready to ship. Best part? They're washable.

If ya don't use 'em all they're still great for around the shop or the job site - and they're washable.
You'll find them here - take a look: 







She ain't scotch but who cares?



We even got the Russkies in on the act...


And we'll finish with some good old fashioned 
beautiful American women...





You guys know I carry an original 'Old Timer' pocket knife, 
but I'll admit - this set is interesting.

And ya get all three plus the key chain for under $ 23 bucks? 
That's a helluva good deal, don'tcha think? 

See for yourself here:

And we'll let Luiza take us home...

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Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?