Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ain't nuthin' but a hound dog

Or is that horn dog? 
Either way, this guy is a fuckin' trip... 

It's rumored that the ex-president would fuck his own shadow 
if he could get it to stay in one place

A new book claims Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell 

The ex-president — who denies cheating on wife Hillary Clinton with Maxwell — reportedly engaged in the romps during overseas trips on Epstein’s private plane, a customized Boeing 727 that’s since become known as the “Lolita Express.”

The nation’s 42nd head of state also repeatedly sneaked out to visit Maxwell at her Upper East Side townhouse, as detailed in this exclusive excerpt.

Ghislaine Maxwell, a constant presence at the ex- president’s side during these trips, was the primary reason Clinton let Epstein ferry him around the world. “[Bill] and Ghislaine were getting it on,” a source who witnessed the relationship said in an interview. “That’s why he was around Epstein—to be with her.”


I'm pretty sure this is who he's talkin' about.




The pot calls the kettle black? 
What the fuck is up with that...

Zuckerberg knocks Twitter for fact-checking Trump, says private companies shouldn't be 'the arbiter of truth'

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has called out Twitter for attaching a fact check to a tweet from President Trump, telling Fox News' Dana Perino that privately-owned digital platforms should not act as the "arbiter of truth."

"We have a different policy than, I think, Twitter on this," Zuckerberg said. "I just believe strongly that Facebook shouldn't be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online," he added. "Private companies probably shouldn't be, especially these platform companies, shouldn't be in the position of doing that."

I wouldn't know where to start calling 'BULLSHIT' on him - the fuckin' little dooshtool.


California's sudden spike in coronavirus cases bodes poorly for other states pondering reopening

If you don't think these 'Blue State' lockdowns are about extorting bailouts from the Fed, then you're living on the third moon of Your anus. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, California — particularly the San Francisco Bay Area — was seen as a leader in 'flattening the curve', meaning keeping new cases at bay through strict public health measures like business closures and shelter-in-place orders. 

To achieve this, life came to a screeching halt for millions of San Francisco Bay Area residents as the first stay-at-home orders in the country took effect on March 17, triggering the state and a majority of states across the country to follow suit.

You can monitor your home on your cell phone - from anywhere in the world - with this. 

And you can get it for yourself  by clicking here:



I read some poll or another yesterday that said 'If the election were held today' Joe Biden would win the Presidency by 10 points. 

Who and where are these people polling 'cause it sure as fuck ain't anywhere near where I am.



Something just occurred to me.

The same argument that is used to support a woman's right to have an abortion - that she shouldn't be told what she can and cannot do with her body - can and should be used to fight for the legalization of prostitution, shouldn't it? I'm not an advocate for against either, it's just a thought.

I'm sure you've all seen this before. 
Ever heard the back-story?

Geraldine Hoff Doyle, was a 17 years (in 1942) while she was working at the American Broach & Machine Co. when a photographer snapped a pic of her on the job. That image used by J. Howard Miller for the now iconic ‘We Can Do It!’ poster, released during World War II. 

Because the “We Can Do It!” poster was created for an internal Westinghouse project, it did not become widely known until the 1980s, when it began to be used by advocates of women’s equality in the workplace. Doyle did not know she may have been the model for “We Can Do It!” until 1984, when she came across an article in Modern Maturity magazine which linked a photo of her to the poster, which she had not seen before.

She passed away in 2010.

Man - I am chompin' at the fuckin' bit to do 
some kinda road trip - ANY kind - anywhere. 

 A great overnighter or carry-on. 

Click on the description here:

Here ya go - just in case you been 
locked down too long...


Perspective's a bitch, that's fer sure,
 but it is necessary.

This past weekend was the first time in 132 years - since 1888 - that there was no major league baseball played anywhere in the US.

When exactly the fuck are these guys gonna get their collective heads outta their asses and suit up and play? 

WTF man...


More shit I bet ya didn't know maybe:

They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery. If you had to do this to survive you were "piss poor." 
But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot; they "didn't have a pot to piss in" & were the lowest of the low.


Angelic little bat-eatin' fucker, wasn't he?



 Back when we were kids, this was the abiding principle in nearly all things. If you wouldn’t like it, then don’t do it to someone else.

To me, it translates in to: Don't kick my dog I won't kick yours.

N.J. more at risk for second wave of coronavirus cases than other states, Murphy says

NJ Governor Phil Murphy looks behind himself to see if he 
can find his balls and/or his brains. 
The effort was, sadly, unsuccessful.

 Why is it that these 'Blue States' are having such problems? 
See my explanation above.


Ya see, this is exactly why polls are such complete, total fuckin' bullshit. The only way anyone could possibly accurately make that claim would be to interview every single adult in the country, and ya know that didn't or ever will happen.

Modelling - or projections (read guesses)  based on random sampling - is horse shit science designed by idiots to satisfy morons.

Ever think about making your own Pasta? 

Believe it or not, it's a lot easier than you think it is, and if ya got kids, you really need to do this with them. I learned how to do it from my grandmother (Nana Min) who was born in Italy, so this was just second nature to her.

 If you wanna up your pasta game, ditch the dried stuff and create your own fresh pasta at home. This pasta maker comes with a plain lasagna rolling press and two rolling cutters: one for tagliolini, one for fettuccine.
This machine is about as good a pasta machine as any you could buy, and it is ridiculously cheap for the kind of quality ya get for your money. 

You'll find it here:

Back in the day - like today - advertising almost never made any sense if they tried to get 'high concept'.


Light pollution coast-to-coast. Interesting.

Let's protest a guy being killed by killing somebody else. 
Makes perfect sense to somebody - sure as fuck not me.



A Florida man in his 70s fatally shot a home intruder who busted through the glass front door and began attacking his wife on Tuesday, investigators said.

Deputies arrived at the Panama City home around 6:05 a.m. and found 31-year-old Nathan Jerrell Edwards laying on the floor dead and a handgun on the counter, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office said.

“The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm,” the sheriff’s office said. “He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat.”

They're all jerkoffs over there...

An MSNBC reporter was humiliated live on air when he tried to shame passersby for not wearing masks in Wisconsin — even as most of his crew were also unprotected. Cal Perry was doing a live segment from Lake Geneva where he complained that “no one” was wearing masks as they enjoyed the Memorial Day sunshine.

The masked reporter then turned his cameraman to shoot a man walking past, saying on air, “As you can see, no one is wearing them.” “Including the cameraman,” the local shot back, soon adding that “half your crew’s not wearing them.


I stole this from someone. Ain't sayin' who...

This is the single best knife sharpener you'll ever wanna own. 
Buy two and give one to a friend.

This is the absolute best price I've found on these: 




And I'll leave ya with this:




  1. The lock downs are juts spreading out the time it takes for the race to get used to this virus.

    The same pollsters/msm the dems had working for them the last election. The election where up until the election was over they had Clinton winning.

    Freedom seems to be a tough concept for a lot of people to grasp, they want to control what others are doing. It's about "control".

    No baseball because of a flu like we had in 1957 and 1968? It's about "control"!

  2. It's the fuckin' players union screwing the pooch this time. Again.

  3. Newsweek poll?

    You must be joking.


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?