Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It's not looking good for us - or Baseball.

I wish I could make my living playing a game and making millions of dollars a year doing it... 

MLB owners, who have not been open to an even split in revenues, presented a proposal calling for further reduction in pay for players. Those making the highest guaranteed salaries would lose the most money under the league’s plan, which has not gone over well with the other side. 

MLB’s offer left the union disappointed, and while there’s still time for the two to continue negotiations and ultimately reach a deal, it’s not a sure thing that the MLBPA will even want to pick up talks again after it feels it was slighted in this round of discussions.


Do you feel the same way I do? I wake up every morning and the first thing comes to mind is 'What kinda fuckin' stupid am I gonna be faced with today'?

Interesting how often she's been
 showing up lately, isn't it?

Are we really gonna get back to business - 
as usual?

 With New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ringing the opening bell at 9:30 a.m. EDT, the trading floor at the New York Stock Exchange reopened Tuesday morning for the first time since closing on March 23 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up over 500 points in early trading Tuesday on optimism around declining death rates from the coronavirus, the development of new potential vaccines, and the gradual reopening of state economies.

We (well, by 'we' I really mean me) won't hold our breaths waiting to see if this is for real or not.


Do you have any idea how winning the MegaMillions would fuck your life up forever?

Yeah, me neither. But I'd sure like to see 
what happens when I do win it.

She's classy-lookin' from the rear.

Isn't it fascinating how you can juxtapose a simple concept so easily and show just how fuckin' ridiculous that concept really is?

There aren't many things I miss about
 living up north, but I do miss the City.


I don't think they deleted it, they just moved it to the 'These were really stupid fuckin' ideas' folder...

Like I've said before many times, if ya smoke weed, ya gotta have a cat. Ya really do - cat's are a stoner's delight - dumb fuckers that they are...



The President's campaign guys are worried about his polling of late. The held a meeting at the White House yesterday.

David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski (Second and third from right in front row), two key allies and former political advisers to Donald Trump, went to the White House last week to issue him a warning: The president was slipping badly in swing states, and he needed to do something to fix it.

Three days later, the Trump campaign’s political directors in Arizona and Florida — states the president won in 2016 but where surveys show him lagging — were summoned to the White House Roosevelt Room. The officials offered a detailed rundown of his organization in the battlegrounds and tried to reassure the president that he was on firm ground.


Stupid has a life of it's own, doesn't it?

That's a great picture, isn't it? I could write 40 different captions for it, but I'd rather leave it on it's own. Oh, shit - THIS IS a fuckin' caption isn't it? Damn.


Did Brexit changed immigrant perceptions for the better?

A new study reports anti-immigrant sentiment softened among both Leave and Remain camps after the 2016 referendum.

I think it's fairly easy to say that the EU is doomed after this Corona shit is finally over. Sooner or later people are gonna have to face the fact that a country without borders is not a country at all.


How is it possible that a show has been on TV for 15 years, and I've never seen it once? I've never even seen it promoted anywhere. I must live in a hole in the ground somewhere.

It's entirely possible that this guy Murphy up in Jersey may go down in history as the biggest fuck-up ever to serve as Governor anywhere in the entire world ever. Well, ever since Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas, anyways. 
Juss' sayin'.

This dumn redneck fucker must drink an AWFUL lot.


In case you had gotten the mistaken and naive idea that all people are basically decent and honest, lemme give ya a present - these two scumbags:




Does Elon Musk have the right stuff? 

The whacky pot smoking billionaire will blast two astronauts into space TODAY in a wild touch-screen SpaceX $4bn spaceship. The astronauts are actually gonna be wearing designer spacesuits - as Trump and his family watch from the launchpad. Life is good for the uber-rich, n'est pas?

Seriously. Joe. Jeez. Could ya be any more 
fuckin' phony even if ya tried harder?


I gotta go. This is makin' my head hurt.

Did Betty & Ronnie change teams?




  1. "How is it possible that a show has been on TV for 15 years, and I've never seen it once?"

    How is it possible that a show has been on TV for 15 Years and this is first time I've seen or heard the name of it? Sunshining in Phili? WTF, over.



Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?