Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Rule 5 MegaMillions Tuesday with beer

Who lives better than me, right... 

How can you go wrong if ya start with perfection?

Still ain't found out where this bar is...

Like to know where this one is, too.


There's more than just a coupla jokes in that one.

They start 'em young in Ireland. 
Wonder when their bars will open...

Emergency road service?


Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? 

If ya don't ya really might wanna think about it. 
You could save a life someday. 

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit under your front seat 
if ya don't wanna keep it in the trunk. 

Take a look - click on this link: 


Nun of 'em are drinking at that game.






Depending on where ya live, these might still 
be necessary for the next coupla months. 

There's gonna be a whole lotta places you won't be able to go to for a long fuckin' time  without wearing a mask. You can get these masks super fast - they're in stock and ready to ship. 
Best part? They're washable.

If ya don't use 'em all they're still great 
for around the shop or the job site - and like I said - they're washable.
You'll find them here - take a look: 


I could watch her do that all day.

And we ARE patriotic.


I could watch her do that all day, too...






Run that up yer flagpole, buddy.

You guys know I carry an 'Old Timer' Schrade pocket knife. 

It's my personal choice - doesn't have to be yours of course. My buddy Jay carries this model Buck knife. It's really kinda like exactly like mine but it's different. Ya follow?

See for yourself if this isn't something you might like. 
You can buy it here directly from Buck at a huge discount:


THAT motherfucker must drink ALOT.


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?