Monday, April 13, 2020

Reason # 87 for why I drink...

It's the same as the first and the second reasons. 

Because it's there and because I can... 

But the question remains the same: -




At the BackYard Bar. 
Good times on St. John many moons ago.






Because I'm patriotic, that's why.


Stuck at home with nothing to do?

You know full well there's a 
fuckin' honey-do list there somewhere.  

This'll get 'er done for ya...

It's here at a price a helluva lot better 
than Home Depot or Lowes.

Check it out for yourself:


Wishful thinking.

Even more wishful thinking.

Oh. man - the nuts. Jeezzzzzzzzz.

I could watch her do that all day.

Not really a fail, is it?




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