Tuesday, April 14, 2020

There is nothing else happening. It's just the virus 24/7.

It's pretty amazing how that works, huh?

I can't even remember the last time I heard a news person on TV use the phrase 'And in other news today'... 

Ever been to Positano? If not, you should bucket-list it.


New York, New Jersey and other Northeastern states form coronavirus working group to decide when to ease restrictions

“I don’t want to spend my time doing things that I don’t think are valuable enough to me personally,” Cuomo said. “I don’t value indulging irrationality, hyper-partisanship.”

Cuomo said his battle with COVID-19 has made him rethink his values and question his position as a public figure. “I don’t like what I do professionally,” he said. “I don’t think it’s worth my time.”

GOOD. You suck anyway.


Ya gotta love the rich, right?

Fisher Island, an exclusive enclave off Florida which includes America’s richest zip code, purchased a shitload of 'rapid' COVID-19 blood test kits from the University of Miami Health System, according to the Miami Herald.

The private island made a deal with the hospital system to produce the test kits for more than 800 families that live there, the Herald said.

Employees who maintain the property of the island and those who patrol its streets will also receive tests. How very white of them to think of the help.

Meanwhile, yesterday in Major League Baseball, 
absolutely fuckin' zero happended. 
Fuck. I  hate this shit - I need baseball and I need it now.

1956 GM Firebird II Concept car. 
That's some serious space-age shit there, Skippy.


A 93-year-old Pennsylvania woman received 150 beers from Molson Coors on Monday in response to her viral plea for more beer during the state’s lockdown. Reps from the beverage giant delivered 10 15-packs of Coors Light to Olive Veronesi’s Seminole home.

The senior cracked open a can of the suds with the workers still there. “That tastes pretty good.” Veronesi said she was down to her last 12 beers when a family member snapped a hilarious photo of her holding a Coors Light can and a whiteboard saying, “I need more beer!!”

“I have a beer every night, you know what, beer has vitamins in it, it’s good for you, as long as you don’t overdo it.”

Kinda restores yer faith in humanity, doesn't it?


Beer isn't the only thing with vitamins, Grandma...

Now more then ever you should be taking a multi-vitamin.
Centrum is a perfect example.

Buy them here much cheaper than at Walgreens or CVS. 




Well, if a Cuomo says so, then it MUST be true, right? 
Certainly would be a big fuckup if Trump said anything like that...

Buffy the penis slayer.

This is fuckin' brilliant, isn't it?

It musta been a wild night in Wildwood last night...

Wind gusts as high as 87 mph rip up Wildwood boardwalk, cause damage along Jersey Shore

Monday’s strong storms that include heavy rain and winds that have gusted as high as 87 mph have dislodged part of the boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ as well as toppled trees and damaged buildings elsewhere along the Jersey Shore while knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses statewide.

Yeah - no perverted shit goin' on there... 

Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods now have
 invite-only policy for grocery delivery


Biden tells Sanders in endorsement live stream, 
'You don't get enough credit, Bernie'


Whenever you find yourself thinking you have too much free time on yer hands, think about this and realize the motherfucker made a cake look like  a roll of TP fer fuck sake. 

Then you won't feel so bad.

Never, ever, at any time in your life, will you ever 
be 1/647th as cool as any one of these three guys.

So don't even try.

The single best knife sharpener 
you'll ever use. Period.

You can get it in a 2-pack for more savings 
and give one to a friend. 

Click on this link:





What they're talking about here is the likelihood of a recurrence or re-appearance of the virus. How the fuck do these people think they can project shit like this, and who gives a shit anyway - it's not like yer gonna fuckin' move to Alaska or some shit. Jeez.


A great tablet for under a hundred bucks? 

This is one helluva friggin' deal - check it out here:


The XFL files for bankruptcy. 
That didn't take long, did it?

“The XFL quickly captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of people who love football,” the spring league said. “Unfortunately, as a new enterprise, we were not insulated from the harsh economic impacts and uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 crisis. 

XFL owner Vince McMahon, who is chairman and CEO of the WWE, twice has tried to get the XFL rolling. He has yet to speak publicly about the league folding again. The Chapter 11 filing, officially made by Alpha Entertainment, listed the XFL with assets and liabilities each in the range of $10 million to $50 million, Kevin Seifert of ESPN reports. The St. Louis Sports Commission, at $1.6 million, was the largest creditor.

Just WTF exactly is the reason for posting this?



I think this will become a new 
regular feature here - wuddya think?




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